Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ganodermera Luciderm, The Healthy way to Drink your Coffee and get paid for drinking it.

Ganodermera Luciderm, The healthy way to drink your coffee and get paid for drinking it.

What is Ganodermera Luciderm? In laymans terms it is a herb that the Asians and the Chinese use as a herbal and medicinal properties that helps promote health and longevity, lower lipids, promotes better sleep habits, lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease and boosts the immune system.
Each cup contains over 200 anti-oxidants as opposed to orange juices's 17. Each of the products has the Ganodermera Luciderm infused into each of the black, latte, mocha, green tea, hot chocolate along with the other fine and great products that you can find in my pictures tab on my facebook page at We have a wide selection of different products as well as a beauty apricot scrub soap that has the Ganodermera Luciderm infused with it. As well as a nice Ganodermera Luciderm infused in a Velvet Body lotion.
Normal coffee is very acidic and lowers your bodies ph level so much that it will take you 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level back to normal.
Did you know that if you had a normal ph level in your body you would have a better chance of losing weight.
Normal coffee also eats away the enamel on your teeth. Are you getting tired of coffee stained teeth? Our Ganodermera Luciderm tooth paste helps whiten and rebuilds the enamel on your teeth, giving you a
healthier and brighter smile
. The Ganodermera Luciderm coffees and teas are finely ground up so you don't get that coffee ground taste and it doesn't give you the coffee crashes or the coffee jitters.

Is Starbucks or Folgers paying you for drinking their coffee?

Well why not get paid for drinking a healthy Ganodermera Luciderm infused coffee product from me. I want to invite you to come to my website at where you can get signed up with me into our three different starter packs. Or do you want more information before you make a $500.00 investment? You can come to and click on the overview and get an excellent business proposal from two of my mentors Royce Mccoy and Grenville Lock explain the Organo Gold experience and what you will get when you get started into having your own Ganodermera Luciderm coffee business. Our products come in a very nice foil pack, it makes it very easy to sample out to friends and family. You can set your own price as retail for selling the coffees or simply direct people to your own Organo Gold website where they can get your products at wholesale.
You can make a weekly residual income on a part time basis, as well as have bonuses and commissions that pays 9 levels down including a global sharing pool where everyone gets a profit. Get two people in your business then those two to get 2 those 4 to each get 2 etc. etc etc. When everyone in your organization just gets 2 people in their coffee business with you, in a years time you can have 4,096 people in your organization just by everyone getting just 2 people.

Your future with Ganodermera Luciderm coffees and teas.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the time freedom for your kids, family, friends being able to be there for them when they need you. That is my why, of why I am in this business. To have the time freedom to spend with my daughter, to spend time with my family. To be able to be there for my friends. To either to be able to help them financially or to give them great and healthy Ganodermera Luciderm coffees and teas. I want to be able to give something back to the community and the world, not just to my family and friends. Everyone deserves to be healthy, everyone deserves to have an residual income, whether you decide to have your own Organo Gold Ganodermera Luciderm products or not you will here about it as a house hold name in the future. Right now our company is 5 years old. Wouldn't you want to get in on a great business and be on some great Ganodermera luciderm products that will help you be healthier an possibly live a little longer? No matter what your answer may be, I would still like to invite everyone to connect with me at my facebook page at for it's our connections with people, not just being in the right place at the right time. Wishing you all a very merry and Happy Thanksgiving this year. God Bless you all.