If You Can Dream It, You Will Achieve It
I am remembering a story I heard in a movie of something that I think is so much more profound than we actually think.
Have you ever seen the movie,
Facing the Giants? What are your giants? It is a christian based movie about
a football team who literally faced giants (another football team) to become the state champions two years in a row.
How did they do it? They did it
for the glory of God. Not for themselves. It took a prayer and hope.
In this movie I am reminded of a part of the script but also how we can apply it to everything that we need in life.
"There are two farmers, who desperately needed rain during their drought season to bless their crops so that they can provide for their families and for the community for there fields to bloom with food. One farmer went out and prepared his fields for rain and the other did not, who do you think God blessed with rain"? The answer is all but to obvious, the farmer who went out and prepared his fields.
We all have Dreams. Visions, Goals that drive us to excel in what we have to do to
achieve your Dreams. But if we are
not preparing our life or the people in our life, how can we achieve our Dreams. We need to
help others succeed first and that
will prepare us for our own victory as well. Think about what you have to do or offer to others. Prepare and build and nourish
our friendships and relationships and that in return will prepare us for the rain to come to nourish our mouths as well.
Our Dreams Are Not Regurgiated, It's Everything That We Read
Have you ever noticed that most books are saying the same thing they just add fancy words or put in there own ideas,
thoughts and opinions that we want to believe that over the real deal of what it takes to
have a financial means to an end.
Take for example, Napolean Hill's Think and Grow rich and the sequel The Law of Success. It's basically the same thing it has just been
regurgiatated for him to make another couple million for a second book. So why do we do it? Why do we spend millions of dollars investing in book after book after book trying to find out what is going to help us give us a financial means to an end.
Our Drerams don't have to be cloudy if we
have a clear vision of what we want and how we can help others
so let me shed a little light on what Robert Kiyosaki wrote in The Business of the 21st Century.
Why would anyone want another income stream when one or two full time jobs has them stressed out enough as it is already.
Our past represents the future that we are in right now, recession after recession after recession. Companies going broke, and unemployment lines getting longer. General Motors went into bankruptcy in 2009 and California started using I.O.U.'s to pay it's bills instead of cash.
The baby boomers numbers have doubled where more and more people are working past the age of 65 and there is "NO" security in Social Security.
Where have your Dreams gone? To someone else getting richer instead of you putting money back into our own pocket.

Industrial Age Dreams or Informational Analytical Thinking
Their is one very distinct word from being in the Industrial age and the 21st century Information age.
Their was Hope in having a Dream. Because we had job security, company pensions, health care, our 401 K's,
we had medicare, and social security. What do we have now? There is a lack of jobs,(Just in Butte, Montana alone had a loss of over 300 jobs in the last 4 months.) not having a pension, working less hours, having expensive health care plans, our S.S.I is gone, our parents are working past the age of 65, and our unemployment lines are getting longer.
At what point are we going to "STAND UP" and say, "ENOUGH" and start preparing our fields to
have dreams again, why have we given up HOPE? I want to give hope back to everyone else. I believe in everyone that if you have a Dream, (he will come) you can achieve whatever you want.