This is my blogging channel for all of those interested in following some interesting and funny stories that I love to share with people. As well as the information, tools and knowledge of what it actually takes to have a successful business in any business.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Killer Keller Blogging About Visi & Organo Gold : I Climbed K2 Without Oxygen & Made it Back Alive
Killer Keller Blogging About Visi & Organo Gold : I Climbed K2 Without Oxygen & Made it Back Alive: I'm on top of the world and I made it back Alive We all want to make it to the top. Succeed and make and meet our goals in life. One...
Monday, February 17, 2014
I Climbed K2 Without Oxygen & Made it Back Alive
I'm on top of the world and I made it back Alive
We all want to make it to the top. Succeed and make and meet our goals in life. One of these days I will climb K2 it's on my bucket list. But how am I going to get there? What kind of tools or training am I going to need. I know for one thing, I can't do it without a team. I know I am going to have to be physically fit. I know I have to quit smoking. I need to have the right tools to make that kind of trek. I need to know the right day and time of the year and watch the weather reports. I will have to have a plan of action and a back up plan of action and a back up plan of action for my back-up. Where will I set up my base camp? I will need a guide to get me there. All great things to be considered into making this journey to a destination to be on top of the world. I will need to be able to come back Alive with all my fingers and toes.Building A Business Is The Same Way
You will need a proper guide, the right tools and training and knowing when the right time to get in on a business. Having a plan of action and a back up plan of action. What kind of business? Where do you want to build it? Is it going to be geographically challenging? What are the products? What kind of advertising is going to work best. Do I want it to be duplicat-able or just be a slave to it like a normal job. If I have my own business will it keep and feed me and keep me Alive. Will it support my family if I chose to run it one day a week till I can be sure that it is something that I want to do. Is owning a business the right thing to do with the economy that were in? Am I going to be in a higher tax bracket? Woah...what kind of options are out there for having your own business and have financial freedom with it.The Family That Builds Businesses Together Stays Alive Together
Recently, my sister Kerri,
What's The Point Of All Of This...My Family is Creating Businesses For You To Stay Alive.
We believe in the human spirit, We believe in hope and giving hope and having faith in everyone that reads this that you are looking for the right tools the right time the right place to do the right thing for yourselves and for your family: have that embodiment of spirit and love to have financial freedom, not just for yourself but how we can teach you so that you can teach others so that they too do not have to be chained to someone else's dreams. We want you to stay Alive and to have H.O.P.E which means... "HOLD ON PAIN ENDS"Monday, February 10, 2014
Two Frogs & A Snake Share A Bucket..
No the Snake didn't eat the Two Frogs
I have my lovely 8 year old daughter resurfacing my fears of snakes as I was taking her back to her mom's yesterday. As I have her every other weekend which is stipulated in the parenting plan. Kristen says to me, "Dad, do you remember when you made me touch that icky little Snake"? I had to chuckle a bit for there for a second. I have "NEVER" made my daughter do anything that she doesn't want to do. I even held her hand every step of the way. But it's not what you think. I would never make anyone do anything that they don't want to do, especially pressure anyone to get into one of my businesses. Let me tell you what happened though. I have a deep seated fear of Snakes, since I was a young kid. My cousins would torment me with gardener Snakes and corn Snakes. I lived in Nebraska at the time and in the summers those sandhills would literally crawl with those deep seated fears. Being fearful and panic stricken and got anxiety at the thought or word, Snake, kept me from growing into the person I should have with no fears; especially in our world today. Throughout the years though, I would slowly, inch by inch, make my way closer to the Snakes in their protective glass cages at the pet store. So what happened? Did I conquer my fears? Soon I was nose to nose with a baby boa Snake. I happened to have my daughter with me at the time. Kristen said, "Dad your freaking me out". I got down on her level, eye to eye, and talked to her a for a bit reassuring her that she was safe; that I would hold her hand every step of the way. So that she can respect the creatures that can take life within a blink of an eye; to a curiosity that it won't hurt you and it won't hurt me. With that, the pet shop owner slid the baby boa in my hand. I didn't force my daughter in any way shape or form to touch the snake. She came out of her comfort zone and inch by inch slowly, cautiously got close enough to see it in my hand. Amazed, she said,"It's not going to hurt you and it's not going to hurt me". "No, Kristen, this little baby Snake will not hurt you".But What Happened to the Frogs?
Were doing great. We were frogs. Kristen and I are the frogs that churned the milk in the bucket long enough to churn it into butter to succeed and get past our fears of snakes. We didn't give up when the going got tough and Snakes were staring at us in the eye. If the two of us can do that; granted it was just Snakes, (I know there are some people out there that have Snakes as pets) but still it's a deeply seated fear of change for a lot of people. My mom and grandma are two of them and they are deeply panic stricken by Snakes; but they didn't let their fears overwhelm them into stop being as successful as they are today.We Are All Frogs In The Grand Scheme Of Things
The question is, are you going to give up on conquering your fears; or keep on swimming, to churn that milk into a creamy butter so that you can get out of that bucket so that you won't drowned.Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Superbowl - Superflop Super Cup of Ograno Gold Coffee
Maybe if the Forty-Niners had a Super Cup Of Organo Gold Coffee it wouldn't have been a massacre
Me, I was neutral. I was Switzerland. I really didn't care who won. But as opposed to the fights that broke which were few. Both are good teams, and played a decent game but it definitely was a massacre. It wasn't a beating or spanking but there will be rivalries in my family now. I was recently down in Gordon, Nebraska for a uncle's funeral this last Saturday, as down as we all were we all still managed to yell and holler at the tv for the Bronco's and the Ravens. Half of the family was for the Ravens and the other half of us were for the Bronco's. Made for interesting conversations. My Aunt Laverna said, "Casey I hear one more clap or a yes for the few points that the Bronco's scored, your out of this house", Granted were family that would have never happened. My uncle Gary replied, "You want to sleep out in the barn". All in all I became a silent Cheerleader. Now that's a team I wouldn't mind being on. Wouldn't we all. But what if the Bronco's had a super cup of Organo Gold's Coffee, what then. Well I can tell you it would have helped them have clarity and focus and keep their hands on the ball. Your probably thinking, "How can coffee give you clarity and focus. Well, with Organo Gold coffee, it will help you have, clarity and focus, it works with your metabolism, and helps circulate the body and the blood. Each cup has over 200 anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, and helps fight the free radicals in your body without giving you the coffee crashes or coffee jitters. Also regular coffee is very acidic it will take you 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level, "LEVEL". Does your coffee do that? Does that Starbuck's or Folgers or Seattle's Best do any of those things? I bet those coffee's cost a whole lot more than Organo Gold's Coffee. The Other nice benefit of Organo Gold's Coffee is that they pay you to drink and sample the products to other people. Is the coffee your drinking paying you a paycheck on a weekly basis?Have A Superbowl Of A Super Cup of Organo Gold's Coffee
Would you like to try a sample of a Superbowl cup of Organo Gold Coffee? Why not drop me a line with your address and I will send you "FIVE" "FREE" samples. What I would like in return is to come and check out my facebook page at, and I will gladly send you those 5 free samples. You have nothing to lose, except a Superbowl cup of a healthy cup of Organo Gold Coffee. It doesn't matter which team you were rooting for.

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