This is my blogging channel for all of those interested in following some interesting and funny stories that I love to share with people. As well as the information, tools and knowledge of what it actually takes to have a successful business in any business.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
Are you Having Commitment Issues?
Do you have commitment issues?
Sure we all have some commitment issues to some point. But I am not talking about the normal relationships between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, significant others or lovers. But being commited to a thought or an idea of something that has proven over time to work again and again. Casey,what are you talking about? The other day my girlfriend suggested I blog about "commitment". I took it under advisement and instead blogged about wolverine and his healing capabilities. Which is much like the Visi wellness. How it can help not heal or cure, but alleviate a lot of some of the common aliments that most people have now a days. Because I did this did not mean I wasn't committed to her idea, I just had to collect my thoughts about it, as she would say that's not a lot.Committing to your Idea
I promise to make a commitment to give everyone a slice of information from one of the most sought after books on how to make a million. If that is what you want. You can apply the principles to anything you want, love, peace, harmony. It is not just a book on how to acquire a financial means to an end, it is a road map. Because us men suck at asking for directions because of our pride and ego. I will give the directions, because we all want something. What do you want? We have become a society of if someone can show us a quicker, easier way-we will do it that way. So we don't have to work as hard or as long, taking time away from our children, girlfriends, wives, husbands, boyfriends etc. etc. etc.I don't have Commitment issues
We all know that you can't give something and not ask for anything in return. What would I like in return? How about some more followers. Click on my join my site button on my blog page to follow me and my blogs. The information that I want to share will be well worth your time than it will to take to read the morning paper.Saturday, July 27, 2013
Wolverine wishes he can heal this fast !!!
We all Wish we can heal as fast as Wolverine.
But what if we really could. Okay maybe not so miraculously within seconds, but if you could how much would you spend to be able to have the almost like same effects as wolverine. We are all looking for that fountain of youth, or to have a certain amount of knowledge or a product that will just if not instantly will help us feel better but give us a better health, a better wellness within a short amount of time. We have become a society of I want it now. So we spend our hard earned money to get it "NOW" even if we do know that, that special product or piece of workout equipment will be out on the market in a couple of months. We want/need it "NOW". We want to feel better happier, healthier, fitter in our decaying world that's dieing around us, NOW.Everyone Says Knowledge is Power
So what do we do. We stay up late at night watching infomercials on the latest new products or whats going to help our MS or Fibromalgia, ptsd, depression, sexual disfunction or the latest gadgets on how to get six pack abs in a bottle. We literally spend billons of dollars in this industry of trying to find whats going to work for all of us that have health problems. Will there be a product that will help people that have major health issues? Absolutely... With the Vis wellness, we can give you those healing capabilities but not cure, MS, Fibromalgia, ptsd, depression, sexual disfunction, glaucoma, diabetes type 1 and type 2 people who are insulin resistant. Helps promote a better and restful nights sleep. The Visi wellness has all the key vitamins minerals and nutrients in it and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B12. It has over 160 different flavanoids an comes from the all natural berries in Scandinavia called the Lingon Berry, The Arctic Cloudberry, The Viking Berry.So your now ready to start Healing like Wolverine!!
Awesome. I would love to help you to start feeling better, healthier, fitter like Wolverine. What's it going to cost you, just going to website at and click on the products tab where you can order this Wolverine-like healing powder that you just mix with 10 to 12 ounces of water and you can be on your way, quicker than you would if you had to make a Visalus shake, no offense.Friday, July 26, 2013
How to survive after being bit by a Great White...
How I survived the Jaws of Death
The most ferocious beast of the 7 seas is the Great White....Yorkie. As I am reveling in my thoughts of this past week of spending some time with my girlfriend, she warns me of her mothers dog. A ferocious shoe and sock and boxer chewing yorkie. We went to her moms, as her mother is out of town for a couple of weeks to let the dog out, Feed the parrot, water the plants, get the mail etc etc etc. She introduces me to Jake. Jake is a nice little yorkie terrier that must have taken to much Visi energy, it just would not stop playing and running around the house. This dog was like the Tazmanian Devil but a lot cuter and definitely not as ferocious. At least I thought so until.... This cute little yorkie terrier is running around with my boxers in its mouth.Sometimes you just have to stare Death in the eye.
Horrified with amusement on one hand and oh my Zues on the other hand before my girlfriend walks in. I get on my hands and knees and am staring down this dog with a look of desperation of "PLEASE" Jake thinking that were playing takes off like a bolt of Visi energy Lightning. I grab that dog by the back leg as it jumps almost clearing the couch. Jake finally drops my drawers to try to nip at me and all he got was. We all have to do things that we don't want to do but we have to do them anyways. How many times are we faced with decisions that we don't want to do because we are afraid of repercusions. Whether good or bad everything will have it's price. Yeah I may have a pair of torn boxers that are now in the garbage but I also got a big hug and a kiss for facing that man eating sock and underwearing chewing yorkie but it was worth it. There is a positive outcome to almost everything we do in life. Just like everyone reading this blog, your wondering what is the positive outcome of reading this blog. Go to my site at and read the benefits of what the Visi energy can do for you.Friday, July 19, 2013
NO !!! I don't want to join your Business
I'm looking for more people to tell me Because it helps me accept being told no, from people who don't want to have their own business or all natural all organic products. A while back I was watching some tv and I saw this entrepreneur on this one show his name is Jia Jiang. He goes out to a lot of different places and asks to do some outlandish things or request weird things. His rejection therapy videos has inspired me to do the same as he is doing. When I was in Las Vegas and we were launching two new products to our arsenal of health and fitness, The Probita collagen chew and a whole body cleanse called Rensa. I made an attempt to grow my confidence of people telling me no by walking around the Venetian and Palazzo hotel/mall by asking to do weird things or just whatever. My First "YES" I talked to one of the store managers into letting me be a mannequin in there store window. They even let me wear some of there clothes to model them. As this was pretty fun and funny to do. I take my position in the store and stand as perfectly still as possible. Some people actually thought I was a mannequin. I got used as a coat rack, a hanger for a purse, I held some kids drink, It was quite funny. Scared the crap out of a couple of people. Other places though it would be a good idea but I did get my fair share of....
100% Commissions
I love these. Are there companies or mlm's out there that promise or guarantee `100% commissions. "YES" I know of a couple of them, but no, I am not going to name them as a professional courtesy. Could I? Absolutely, I don't want people to get spammed out of their hard earned money by getting in to the empower network.No, I don't want you to join Visi
I want you to tell me no, I have nothing to offer you other than the value that I will give and add to your life. I won't make promises that I can't keep. I won't give you false information or exaggerate of what I or the company can do for you. Me, I just want to be like Santa Claus and say, "Many Blessings to you all and to all a Merry New Year"Tuesday, July 16, 2013
How to Slay a Dragon?
Well first off are you a knight? How did you get your knighthood? Who gave it to you? What kind of training have you had to get and to be a knight? These are all great questions to ask on how did some one get to where they are in life. Are you the King of all burgers? We all want to have some kind of title. But why? Why do we need title ship of a burger. Maybe your the How do we get the title ship of the many things that are out there. Is it merely by chance, luck, training, inheritance. No matter what it is we always like to have that title of importance but is it necessary.How to Slay the Dragons of Title-Ship
Napoleon Hill and John Maxwell don't seem to think we need titles. But we want to have title ship, an ownership of, this is who I am. Our positions are not who we are. Why are we looking for others to look up to us. We want to feel important, Look what Casey has achieved he is the owner, the director, the CEO, the big cheese, the head Honcho of his own nutrition company. The only thing that he spent to get that title ship was $35.00 I don't need to have that ownership. I know that I am the owner. I don't need others recognition to feel bigger, higher or important. We all are. I teach my people in my organization that they don't have to have ownership of a title to make ourselves feel bigger or important because we already are. We are all equal, we are all important. We don't need directors in our life or our organizations. I just challenge people to be themselves.Choose your Weapons wisely !!!
So got out there with your trusty word as your sword, your t-shirt as your shield. Let your suit pants, jeans, or shorts be the weapon that well, just covers your weapon. Have trust worthy shoes and properly tied to get you through the rough terrain that others have left before you. It will be a long, hard, dry, scorching heat going through this desert to find those dragons but it will be worth it in the end.Monday, July 15, 2013
What do you want in your Value meal Today?
It doesn't seem to matter where you go you will always end up wanting something more or you wanted a different toy than the one that you got. We all get disappointed from the supposable value of what were getting. So what do we usually do, we go somewhere where they will treat and give us the value like a KING. Sure we might get a value meal that is fit for a child but we want a meal of value that will not just fill our stomach but the value of getting what we want and when we want it, we have become a society of I want it now not later. I was on my way to Seattle, it was a long hot drive, had no air conditioning. My radio was busted, forgot to grab my cd's and the next thing I know I am starting to do that head bopping and hitting that rumble strip every 5 seconds. This wasn't good I still had about another 3 hour drive to go so I'm looking for a sign.Are you getting the Value of what your paying for?
I pull into the parking lot, it's full I don't have time for this. I drive around to the drive through, it's just as busy, angrily, I speed off, driven by my emotions I am able to stay awake till I get to the next little city where there is a This is great news to me I can finally order something and get what I want on it I can add the value to my value meal persay. Still feeling rushed as I hesitantly pull into the parking lot I see a couple of Washington plates and I realize, Casey, you dunce you just went I had an extra hour to kill, I happily walk inside to a very sour-full young kid who was obviously looking like he would rather be out at the lake with his buddies. I take a deep breath realizing that whatever I order I will get it my way. This young kid looks up to me and says, "what do you want?" All i could think of at that moment was what I was grateful for. then I went and sat down. This kid not knowing what was going on comes up to me 5 minutes later with a blue ink pen in his hand and a piece of paper. He sits down and asks, "Excuse me Sir, but what you said at the counter made me realize that I want those 3 things in my life". "How can I get them"? I simply replied, "I would just like a value meal where i get what I want. that young kid replied back, "Sir, if you please just come up to my counter you can put whatever you want on your sand which and I would like to pay for it for you if you just tell me what to do or how I can get what you have if I can have 15 minutes of your time. I thought I don't have time for this I need to get going soon, I have to give a motivational speech to 1,000 people. But then I thought to myself if I don't make time to add a little value to this kids life how am I going to add value to other people's lives if I don't just take 15 minutes everyday to get to know my clients then my businesses will fail.What are you Grateful/Thankful for?
As I am looking at my daily diary of everything that I write down of what I am thankful and or grateful for with a blue ink pen and white paper. I was grateful for having more time to eat my meal and get prepared for my speech I was grateful to have my health as I am 40 years old and have little to no medical problems. I am grateful to the company that I work for that has given me a financial means to an end. What are you Thankful and or grateful for Today? Can your thankfulness or gratefulness add value to someone else's life? Lead with value, not your company and you can have what I have today, by giving your time to learn and know the value to your value meals.Friday, July 12, 2013
Even a Bad teacher can have Good intentions.
Do you ever find that your not asking the right question but always getting the right answer. A while back I heard a story of a college professor ask his final exam question on the blackboard in one word.WHY?One Student got an A+ on his answer with only two words,
WHY NOTRecently I have been learning and reading from John Maxwell alot of good information but how do you convey it to others to want to learn or how to be successful. In John Maxwell's words he said, "When you see and or go to graduations for high school or college graduates, just cause there graduated from their education doesn't make them a success, it's merely a stepping stone in the direction of possibly having a successful career or life".
The Best that we can do is Hope.
19 May 1881 – 10 November 1938) was an Ottoman and Turkish army officer, revolutionary statesman, writer, and the first President of Turkey. He is credited with being the founder of the Republic of Turkey. His surname, Atatürk (meaning "Father of the Turks"), was granted to him in 1934 and forbidden to any other person by the Turkish parliament. Atatürk was a military officer during World War I. Following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, he led the Turkish national movement in the Turkish War of Independence. Having established a provisional government in Ankara, he defeated the forces sent by the Allies. His military campaigns led to victory in the Turkish War of Independence. Atatürk then embarked upon a program of political, economic, and cultural reforms, seeking to transform the former Ottoman Empire into a modern, secular and European nation-state. Under his leadership, thousands of new schools were built, primary education was made free and compulsory, while the burden of taxation on peasants was reduced. The principles of Atatürk's reforms, upon which modern Turkey was established, are referred to as Kemalism.What can we possibly learn from Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.
That surely not all Kremlin are all the same, neither are all Americans, Native Americans, African Americans. Prejudice and Fear is what separates us. What does any of of this have to do with being an Entrepreneur or network marketer. Our answers could be as simple as that one word response to that college professors final exam. Why Fear or PrejudiceWednesday, July 10, 2013
Visi's Collagen Chew, The New Fountain of Youth!!!
We have all seen the unseen gross amounts of money both women and men throw away just to look good. As well as go through some of the most painful measures that it takes to look so good. What if I could share with you a much more less painful and digestible collagen that will give you the same effects as a needle in the lip.I would like to introduce you to "PROBITA"
Visi's and the countries first ever hydrolyzed collagen chew is 100% body absorbable meaning that it is completely safe for all to use even for kids, elderly and your pets, rebuilding the collagen that our bodies lose as we age. Probita helps tighten and tone the skin reducing your wrinkles, helps with giving you a better elasticity and flexibility, improves appetite control helping you to lose weight. The collagen in the Probita chew helps with better bone health and joint health reducing pain and inflammation while your sleeping. Still skeptical? I would like to invite everyone to come and check out our Visi's testimonial page at, where you can make your own decision on whats going to work best for you and your weight loss and skin care with Visi's Probita collagen chew because guaranteed you may have been weighing yourself all wrong all these past years With Visi at you will feel more comfortable with yourself and your confidence will get built back up after 3 months of being a preferred customer for $35.00 and on an autoship program where we will help women get back into the little black dress and for men to be strutting around in those speedo's, hahaha no please guys don't do that.But don't stop there we have a family of great products.
The other fine and great all natural all organic products that come from the berries in Scandinavia with our company are the ...Visi Energy ...Visi Wellness ...Visi Rensa ...Visi Trimma The Visi energy is an all day all natural all organic energy where you will not crash and lasts all day The Visi Wellness is an all natural all organic has all the key vitamins and minerals and nutrients that your body needs; ...Vitamins A, b, c, d, e, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b12 The Visi Rensa is a natural all organic whole body cleanse The Visi Trimma is a all natural all organic pill a day weight loss capsule To learn more about these products and there benefits I would like to invite everyone to my website at Mr. Casey J. Keller 58 West Badger Lane Butte, MT 59701 406-490-6057/866-840-3606Tuesday, July 9, 2013
How to Get your Own Visi Necklace!!!
If you are a distributor for Visi and or a member or retailer and you have seen how well our products have helped hundreds if not thousands have tremendous effect on your bodies and you want to say, "THANK YOU" to Visi and it's founders Ryan and Kent Lewis by purchasing a Visi necklace, then here is the place to do it. Here at visi it is our mission to serve others. We are wanting to give back to not just distributors but to the public if we have helped you and you want a piece of visi but don't want to be a distributor or preferred customer for $35.00 or pay for the products at a retail value but want a piece of it's history and how our products have saved your life you can say "THANK YOU" by purchasing one of the Visi necklaces for $15.00 shipping and handling is included.A Piece of History
A piece of History has never looked so great and now you can wear it with pride made out of leather and has a rattail cord for women and a suede cord for men. You will feel proud wearing this piece of unique leather work around your neck symbolizing your commitment to visi and your health and fitness and nutritional goals. In the next coming months there will be more different designs and colors to choose from ranging from the Visi energy symbol, the Visi wellness symbol, and the visi weight loss symbol.Get Yours Today
How can you get your Visi necklace today? I am still getting things set up today but please feel free to contact me at... Mr. Casey J. Keller 58 West Badger Lane Butte, MT 59701 (406)490-6057/866-840-3606 I also take cashiers checks and money orders
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