Monday, July 29, 2013

Are you Having Commitment Issues?

Do you have commitment issues?

Sure we all have some commitment issues to some point. But I am not talking about the normal relationships between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, significant others or lovers. But being commited to a thought or an idea of something that has proven over time to work again and again. Casey,
what are you talking about? The other day my girlfriend suggested I blog about "commitment". I took it under advisement and instead blogged about wolverine and his healing capabilities. Which is much like the Visi wellness. How it can help not heal or cure, but alleviate a lot of some of the common aliments that most people have now a days. Because I did this did not mean I wasn't committed to her idea, I just had to collect my thoughts about it, as she would say that's not a lot.

Committing to your Idea

I promise to make a commitment to give everyone a slice of information from one of the most sought after books on how to make a million. If that is what you want. You can apply the principles to anything you want, love, peace, harmony. It is not just a book on how to acquire a financial means to an end, it is a road map. Because us men suck at asking for directions because of our pride and ego. I will give the directions, because we all want something. What do you want? We have become a society of if someone can show us a quicker, easier way-we will do it that way. So we don't have to work as hard or as long, taking time away from our children, girlfriends, wives, husbands, boyfriends etc. etc. etc.

I don't have Commitment issues

We all know that you can't give something and not ask for anything in return.
What would I like in return? How about some more followers. Click on my join my site button on my blog page to follow me and my blogs. The information that I want to share will be well worth your time than it will to take to read the morning paper.

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