My daughter couldn't catch a Tiger by the tail so she rode it.
We have all heard the popularized saying, "You can't catch a tiger by the tail". In my daughters case she couldn't either so instead she rode it. Alright hahaha you got me it's not real it is a statue of a tiger down in the Idaho Falls zoo. But how simple it is to do things that are so inanimate. Especially when something can be as beautiful and dangerous at the same time. When you become passionate about anything, whether it be animals or whatever you try the simplest of ways to do what is on your bucket list. To make it achievable. We don't want to escape the near clutches of death to attain things that are on our bucket list. We just want them simple, easy. Much of what's on my bucket list isn't riding a Tiger. Or trying to get a Tiger by the tail. What are you passionate about? What drives you to excell? Is it your kids? Your spouse, your significant other? What's the fire in your life that gets you excited and pushes you? Is it to ride a Tiger? Whatever your passion is, is a love. It's a mistress. What am I passionate about? Well other than catching a Tiger by the tail or riding on that Tigers back, as long as it doesn't maul me to death is my daughter. I am passionate about being a great dad and in doing so, I have two awesome, amazing companies with great products, that if your passionate enough about will excell you and anyone else to do what is necessary, to do what you need to do for your kids or for my daughter. We want the best for our kids. But how do we do it? Where do we start? We want it simple, easy. Trying to get that Tiger by the tail or riding it is not that easy. That is something that I am not passionate about so I don't know what all it will en-"tail". But let me tell you what I am passionate about and how it works.Let your Passion be your guide to get that Tiger by the tail.
Why I am so passionate about Visi. I was overweight and out of shape almost had high blood pressure and couldn't hardly keep up with my daughter. One of my buddies John Busswood got me introduced to the company back in October of last year. Being a bit skeptical especially with wondering if I have to maintain a certain diet, because I love food. I tried it for a month and lost 18 pounds.I got "EXCITED". I took the Visi pill a day weight loss capsules and the visi wellness and the Visi energy. Everyone I am here to tell you I went from 205 pounds to 170 pounds in two months and have kept it off without plateauing or going on any kind of special diet or exercise. The products are all natural all organic that come from the berries in Scandinavia. But Visi is more than that, I live it.I am a walking billboard of the health benefits that range from weight loss, having more energy a better wellness (which has all the key vitamins minerals and nutrients that your body needs. Vitamins A, B, C D, E, B1, B2 B3, B4, B5, B6, B12. If you know anyone that has MS or Fibromalgia, depression, anxiety, ptsd the wellness powder is the way to go. It builds your bodies b vitamins up and gives you an energy that MS and Fibromalgia naturally depletes form their bodies. My health is much better, I have more energy, I get a full nights sleep, I can get up and get going. I have the energy to keep up with my daughter and I didn't have to catch a Tiger by the tail to do this. It's given me the passion to do what I need to do for my kid. Wouldn't you want to have the same thing? Let me simplify this for you. Come to my site at or connect with on facebook at and let me help you get that Tiger by the tail. Whatever business builder pack you decide to come in with that will suit your needs and your wallet's budget. I will tell you that you just need two people to join under you. Then tell those two people to just get two, etc, etc, etc. That's all you need just two. Let's say you don't have time but want to try it anyways, great, join now, I will have your Visi id number because it will be associated with me and I will build your business for you by putting people in your business.That Tiger won't put a $1,000.00 a day in your bank account.
Only if your truly motivated to catch that Tiger by the tail, and by word of mouth and sharing the products and your testimony of what the products did for you. It is astay at home business, but you don't have to stay at home to build it. That's a network marketers job sitting behind their desk. You can have your day J.O.B. All I want to do is give you the benefit of making a little bit of money and getting healthy at the same time. You can work Visi part time or full time. Me? I am a disabled veteran this is all I do, and I love it. I love connecting with people and sharing the product and my testimony. Can you make a $1,000.00 a day? Your results will not be typical it all depends on how much you work it. So come connect with me, Casey Keller at one of my sites and let me help you catch that Tiger by the tail.
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