When courts shut an eye to Child Abuse what do you do?
This is not for the faint of heart. This past weekend I had a friend, Jake, call me about what has been going on in his life with his daughter and his ex. As he was explaining to me all the details and sending me pictures of the abuse on his daughter and his conversations with his lawyer. About all I could do was just sit there and cry. Because I have a daughter, Kristen, who is the same age as his daughter Marie.
I thought to myself while listening to my friend cry over the phone, if this was my daughter what would I do? What would any of us do to see a bruise like this on their daughters face. So, this morning I called my lawyer and asked him why don't courts take a child out of the mother's house and put the child in more better protective care with the dad. Jake, whom I have known for years, I know to be a great dad, he takes care of his daughter. they laugh they giggle they play. They cook together go to the park, and amusement parks swimming, camping, he is very active, involved in Marie's life. So why is it that courts say,
"NO" to a child being in the dad's care.
We don't like seeing or hearing of the hard things in life, especially when it is
Child Abuse. What would any of us do? If you have a child your protective of them especially when you get your child back and they have marks on them or other bruises.
Child Abuse as defined is an act, or
failure to act, on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in the death, serious physical or emotional harm, Sexual Abuse, or exploitation of a child, or which places the child in an imminent risk of serious harm (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g). Child-abuse laws raise difficult legal and political issues, putting the right of children
to be free from harm, on the one hand, against the right of families to privacy and the rights of parents to raise and discipline their children without government interference, on the other.
The mistreatment of children at the hands of parents or caretakers has a long history. For centuries, this behavior was shielded by a system of laws that gave children few, if any, rights. Under English Common Law, children were treated as property owned by the parents. Parents, particularly fathers, had great latitude over the treatment and discipline of children. This outlook was carried to the American colonies and incorporated into early laws in the United States.
What my lawyer told me is that, "Casey,
kids are going to be kids, their going to get bumps and bruises cuts and scraps". This I understand all to well myself. But never has my daughter Kristen ever been returned to me in such coarse-ness from being in the residence of her mother.
Continuing to listen to Jake till early this morning he told me, "Case, I love my daughter you know I would never hurt her". About a year and a half ago Kelly, Jake's ex, told their daughter to lie to the courts and to the counselors. Marie is 6 years old at the time.
That her daddy touched her. I know Jake would never touch his daughter in any way shape fashion or form of Child Abuse. What Kelly did almost made it to a point to the extent of getting Jake put into prison over something he never did. Because she told her daughter to lie and said, "If you don't tell the counselors and the judge this lie, I will never see you again".
This just absolutely not just enraged me, but it made me feel so sad for their little girl. Being torn between two people that love her. But being abused not just psychologically but Child Abused to the point of bruises, and cuts on this beautiful little girl. That Jake's lawyer and my lawyer confirmed unless it is to the extent of bones being broken or blood gushing, emergency room visits seem to be the case where the lawyers would say, "Okay this child is being abused".
Would you shut an eye to a Child being Child Abused?
We, including myself don't like seeing kids being abused in any way shape or fashion or form. So why do we shut an eye to it? Why do we turn away and say it's not my child? Could you put yourself in Jake's shoes? Can you imagine your own child being abused? You stand up for your own kids, why not for others. Our kids are our future, why would we let this be swept under the rug? Why would we want to wait until something much more worse could happen. Yes I agree kids can be kids and get there life's experiences of bumps and bruises. It's how we learn. But this is not a life experience that any child should have to go through of being Child abused. For me, I am going to make it an effort for Jake and his daughter and anyone who comes to me needing money for a lawyer to fight the system of injustices to provide a means of financial hope.
Courts say, in parenting plans,
for the best interests of the child. How many times have you heard this and it seems more and more apt to be for the mother. No child should have to be taken away from either parent who loves them. In Jake's case I am sure that Kelly loves her daughter but then why is Marie paying for it with her body of bruises.
I am sure that Marie loves her mom, but when I hear Jake crying over the phone to me saying that when he has to take her back to her mom she cry's to him and says,
"Daddy I don't want to go to mommy's", tears at my own heart. What can I do? I asked him if he could afford $1,300.00 and he said, "YES". I said okay let me help you
build a business. So just an hour ago I see that he just signed up into my coffee business that is at
www.ckell.organogold.com I honestly feel a huge weight lifted off of mine and Jake's shoulders. Knowing that I did do something to help.
Would or are you willing and want to
help others especially families or kids that are being abused, in broken homes, in orphanages to have a life. Give a life, give of yourselves, they may not be your child but they are the children of our future, and where they will put us. Are our kids going to love us and take care of us, not if we have abused them. Let's take care of our future so that they may have one.
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