This is my blogging channel for all of those interested in following some interesting and funny stories that I love to share with people. As well as the information, tools and knowledge of what it actually takes to have a successful business in any business.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Killer Keller Blogging : Leadership...How To Lead With Value And Not A Prod...
Killer Keller Blogging : Leadership...How To Lead With Value And Not A Prod...: Leadership...You can't lead a person to a business opportunity and make them join. We have all heard the popularized expression, &q...
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Leadership...How To Lead With Value And Not A Product.
Leadership...You can't lead a person to a business opportunity and make them join.
We have all heard the popularized expression, "You can Lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink". Well that is much applied to almost everything in life. You can lead a person to a good book but you can't make him read it. Well because of that, I do the reading for people. I love to read. I read two books currently at the same time. Not for pleasure but to add value to peoples lives. So that you don't have to read the whole book but get the value from them from. So I created a face book page that I have put together that is of nothing but powerful, insightful knowledge from John Maxwell, and Max Lucado, Dale Carneige, Napoleon Hill, Robert Kiyosaki. Your probably thinking, "Wow, how can I get this knowledge and information from some of the brightest minds the world has seen, with out ever having to read a book". You would think that there is some kind catch, right? Nope nada, zip, zilch, nine. Well okay maybe there is...Leadership Promises For Everyday Living, Here's How To Lead With Power.
We, all that are Entrepreneurs want to be great and be successful leaders and developing our leadership among our followers. How do we do it? Where do we start? Let me give you a little bit of a teaser... for developing your leadership and your ability to lead others to be great leaders as well. Your probably thinking, "How much is this going to cost?" Or, there's leadership course out there that I can take, but that is going to cost you isn't it. Would you like to have a better leadership to lead with value to instill into others instead of your "OPPORTUNITY" Check out these posts that I have made and see how they may be of benefit to you and to others. Can't read them all that well, well here's the clincher. Guess what? I'm going to ask for $1,000.oo to come to a free face book page. hahhaaha yeah right. Everyone is welcome to come to this page and get the value from it for "FREE" Your thinking, "Enough already, we want the page link".Leadership...Is Learned By Living By The Example.
Be the example of a great leader with Leadership ability by following and committing to others of value. Watch people flock to you and want to know what you know because your living the example of what others want in there lives. Your thinking, "The law Of Attraction", everyone knows about this. If everyone knows about it then why do we have a recession and loss of jobs and the poverty and mediocre levels are at where they are at?? I don't know what they are from state to state and city to city but here in Butte, Montana from November of last year till March of this year there was a loss of 350 jobs. People are working two jobs jobs 60+ hours a week and not having time for each other or for there kids and starving and "LOOKING", they know and can see the value of owning there own stay at home business, am I going to tell you about mine..."NOPE" but am I going to share this link with you, absolutely as long as you give the page a "LIKE". Have a great and happy safe day and weekend everyone hope that you all had a great Memorial Day weekend.Tuesday, April 1, 2014
The Jokers, Don't Be So Serious
The joker's "Don't Be So Serious"
Why is it so important to not be so serious? Why is it important to show your human nature of your sense of humor? Of who you are. As long as you don't take it too far, it shows your ability to relate with others through a sense of humor. Because we can all relate with a good sense of humor it shows your capacity of your human-ness, that we are not robots in an Technological-Information age. let's take my April Fool's Day joke on everyone. This is what I posted on my facebook wall at 4 am this morning. Ughhh who could possibly be calling me at 4 am in the morning.... A gal I dated 10 years ago before I met Kami, before we had Kristen, before a surgery... I have a 11 year old son that I didn't know about. The comments came flying in, "WHAT". "ARE YOU SERIOUS". THIS IS A APRIL FOOLS DAY JOKE, ISN"T IT?" To "CONGRATS", "THAT"S AWESOME". "SO HAPPY FOR YOU". "WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO SEE HIM". I heard it all today. Now only one of my parent's truly knows my "Sense of humor". My mother. Vicki Northey. As I walked into her office delivering her, her Organo Gold coffee, She just shakes her head at me and say's, "Oh my son, did you take your "DRAMA PILL" this morning". hahahahaha We laughed and reminised about last years April Fools day. Me and one of my friends, Angela, got invited over to my folks' place for dinner. Angela in all seriousness and sincerity looked my mom in the eye and said, "Vicki, Casey and I fooled around one night and even though it is a 0.03% chance of him making a baby, well, I'm pregnant". The look on my mother's face was, priceless. She sat there for a minute looked at us both holding hands replied, "I'm happy for you both". But we couldn't hold in our laughter any more, as it was two day's before April fools day we both said, "APRIL FOOLS". But I have never taken a good joke too far, I always know when to draw the line and to be serious. The point to this is, don't be afraid of showing your sense of humor and your human-ness. It will make you more approachable in dealing with people and getting them involved in your business opportunity.Don't Be So Serious, Theres A Million Mlm's Out There
Well maybe not that many. Believe it or not there is a mlm out there for marijuana. But I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to educate you on what some of the sites are out there and where you should look to see where companies rank on the or to see where they are really at on the financial side of business and how much the company is making and where it fit's in the top 100 of direct selling network. The following companies are not in order, but just from what I have learned from reading their policies and procedures to see what sounds right and what doesn't, if I am wrong on any of these figures I would like to ask anyone to please correct me. Melaluca, Don't Be So Serious, has been around a long time, great products, it's startup cost is $29.00 what is stated on the front page of there website....You do not earn commissions or bonuses for recruiting customers.Monavie, Don't Be So Serious, has been around a while, it's start up without business builder kits is $39.00 you can make bonuses and commissions on products and signups and on the dual team structure (left leg & right leg) you have to have at least 500 to start earning bonuses. Herbalife, Don't Be So Serious, also has been around a while, start up with this company $100 w/o business builder kits, you earn a 1,000 points for each Succees Builder Kit. Visi, Don't Be So Serious, still remotely new, costs $35.00 for startup w/o business builder kits which range from $299 to $1,100.00 you can earn commissions on products and signups & on the dual team bonus you have to have at least 200 gross volume (GV) to earn bonuses. Nerium, Don't Be So Serious, Fairly new company doing fantastic, startup is at $499 to $1,000.00 you can make commissions on products and sign ups and you develop teams of 3. Quixtar, (Amway) Don't Be So Serious has been around for forever for startup anywhere from $250-$300.00 Their is "NO" left leg or right leg, there is "NO" dual team. When you have 100 pv (personal volume) you get 3% of the business volume of your group. When you have 300 pv you get 6% of the groups business volume. When you have 600 pv you get 9% of the groups business volume. Organo Gold Coffee, Don't Be So Serious, is a 5 year old company, it's start up is $35.00 the business builder kits range from $200 to $500 & $1.300.00 you earn commissions on products and signups and on the dual team structure you have to have at least 100pv a month (5 boxes of any coffee) to earn bonuses.
Don't Be So Serious, I Want You To Be A Success In Your Company
I promoise to not Be So Serious, and make myself approachable for you to be a success in your company not mine. If you choose to want to look at the Organo Gold Coffee business that is purely up to you. I want you to do what is going to be right for you and for your budget. With that in saying (there will be a presentation call this Thursday at 7:30pm MST at 860-970-0010 pin # is 277-085-928) as I remember when I made my business account. I did not have all the needed information for the bank. So the lady behind the desk, said, "Oh don't worry I promise I will be here tomorrow so you can bring that extra information in". My response to her was, "Yeah my ex-wife said that she would promise to be at the house when I got home". Hahahaha have a great day everyone and have a great rest of the week.Wednesday, March 12, 2014
It's Time For Your Bedtime Story
It's Time For Your Bedtime Story
Good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite. "Daddy, you forgot my Bedtime Story". Okay your probably thinking "WHAT". Yes, that is right, your going to get a Bedtime Story today. Kinda. Why? Well because, it puts people at ease instead of always being told that scripts work. Yes they can, but do you want people coming to you or running away from you, after using script after script after script. Is that working for you? Maybe if your in an mlm where they say recruit, recruit, recruit, and not put any emphasis on product then I would highly suggest, Eric Vorre's, The Hottest Recruiting Scripts in MLM. I have an accumulative knowledge of 10+ years in this industry. I know what works and what doesn't. With that in saying why not start things off by getting to know your audience and put any fears at ease aside with a story. That way your not looking like a recruiting machine but a person who builds relationships. Let's take a look at how the following Bedtime Story that will put many your future prospects at ease.I Have Some Good news & Some Bad News!!!
Imagine for a moment that you are sitting at your desk at your job. The boss comes up to you, taps you on the shoulder and says, “I’ve got some good news and I’ve got some bad news.” You reply, “I am brave. Give me the bad news first.” The boss says, “Well, the bad news is, you are fired.” You are thinking, “Whoa, that is bad news. Oh, that is really, really bad news. If I get fired, I have to go home and tell my spouse I got fired, and that would be pretty embarrassing. What if I can’t find another job for a year? Or what if the new job doesn’t pay as much or what if the new job is far away and I have to fight traffic when I commute? What if the people are mean at my new job? Oh, this is really, really bad news!” You panic and say to your boss, “Oh my goodness, this is terrible bad news so what is the good news". The boss replies, "Well the good news is you have the rest of the afternoon off". Now you have a full sclae panic attack, ARRRGGHH oh no, "I don't want to be fired is there any way that you can keep me"? The boss says, "Well we are outsourced most of our jobs so we could only keep a few people, if you want to be one of the people we keep on staff you would have to agree to work one hour of over time every day for free, Monday through Friday from 5pm to 6pm, if you worked that one hour of free over time we could afford to keep you". Like most hard working people with family and debt and obligations you say, "yes, I will work that over time so that I can keep my job". The boss smiiles, "Great thanks for being a team player I know the extra hour of overtime is a sacrifice but since that you are a team player and are willing to help us in these tough times, let me tell you what our company is going to do for you. If you work your regular hours and this over time for the next two years, at the end of those two years the company will let you retire at full pay". Now what are you thinking "Jackpot" this is the best day of your life right. You are thinking wow, all I have to do is just work one hour of free overtime five days a week and in just two years I can retire at full pay. Excitingingly... you rush home to tell your spouse about this fantastic offer. You start working the one free hour of overtime daily for about 6 months. Some friends make fun of you and say, "Oh man look at you, you are just so stupid you work an hour of overtime everyday for free, the company is taking advantage of you, quit that terrible job and get a job where they will pay you for every hour you work". What would you say? "NO" "I am not quiting this job I only have 18 more months of working one free hour of overtime every day and then I can quit and retire forever". So you continue working this one free hour of overtime for 18 months only 6 more months to go. That night you come home and your spouse says, "You know we miss you for dinner when you work overtime, quit that job get a new job where you can come home an hour early an eat dinner with us". What would you say? "NO. I only have six more months to go and I can retire at full pay". You continue working this one free hour of overtime for the full two years and then the company would let you retire at full pay. Wouldn't that be awesome. Now your job doesn't offer that benefit. But we do. When you join our network marketing team and business, we are going to ask you to work your new business just one hour a day every day Monday through Friday, talking to people. Your one hour is not moving pixels on a computer screen, not playing pen pal at night not surfing the web, but talking to live people. If you talk to live people for one our every day Monday through Friday at the end of two years you will have enough customers and distributors, on your team to equal your current full time income and you can retire at full pay. Now I know what your thinking. You are thinking, well I would like this to happen, I would like to try, but I don't know what to say to people. Well of course you don't know what to say to people you haven't learned any skills yet. But you will learn as you go. You could learn to do anything in an hour a day couldn't you. You could even learn to play the piano by practicing an hour a day for two years. So maybe the first week in your business you learn to say, "Hi", during week two you learn to say, "My name is ?????," You would get better every week, I will be there every step of the way to help you to your success and at the end of the two years you can retire at full pay, so what do you think?There's Your Bedtime Story, Now Goodnight.
Something as simple as that Bedtime Story, can get you the closures on your business prospects and getting people to like you and want to get signed up into the opportunity that you are offering. That is what I am offering to you. Not my opportunity with Organo Gold coffee,
Thursday, March 6, 2014
How To Blog To Get First Page Rankings On Google
How To Blog To Get First Page Rankings On Google
Wouldn't you like it if someone actually held your hand and walked you throuth the steps on how to create a blog for your business to get more people seeing your posts and getting repeating customers to either a online store or to your physical business. Google blogging, there is 68,100,000 sites for it. Out of those sites do you know which one that is going to be right for you especially if you are just starting out and you want to keep finances to a minimun. The object is to make money not spend it right, So I wouldn't reccomend The empower network blogging system, it is a great one to use, but you will spend $25.00 for it, it would be worth it if you sold that blogging platform and get 100% commissions off of it. It is a very effective blogging site. But I am here to help you save money, and not direct you to spending your money. There is a word press blog site that you can use, it's fairly understandable. Out of the 68,100,000 sites though what I would suggest for first time bloggers is, you can link it in with your google+ and you-tube accounts, more about that later. What is nice about is it's simplicity. Once you get all the settings and templates set about a half hours time, you can start blogging. what are you going to blog about? You can blog from the silly and ordained, share inspirational stories, to about your business and your products and or services that you are offering. How do you get it to the first page of google ahead of your competitors? Here comes the meat and potatoes. I keep my html codes pretty simple. What is a html code? It is the code of a picture, like a longitude and a latitude of your current position. For a heading to the top of a blog you would use this html code What does this do, it creates a header Like if I used it in this blog I would have wrote it like this at the very top of this blogHow to Blog To Get First Page Rankings On Google
Let's say you have a different header like in the middle of your blog and another at the end you will not use h1. For each separate header you will use h2, h3 just like in the example above. Tweak it. Not Twerk it lol Theres a difference. I want you to use the tools bar at the top to bold things, underline things, put things in "quotation marks" use the Italize. And above all else use
How to use keywords to your benefit
How to use keywords to your benefit A keyword? Yes, go to google and type in a a word or phrase and see how many sites are out there on the internet to see your competition. Let's google Ganoderma, (because that is a herb that the Asians and Chinese use for it's medicinial properties that they used and infused in the healthy ganoderma coffee drinks that I market) it has 1,570,000 sites out there. That's a pretty big market. But if you scroll down the 7th one on there that is my blog from my site. How did I get on the first page with such a huge market? I used these tips that I learned from reading and learning from the best. So let's say you have an italian restaurant serving the best italian foods. In googles search bar type, best italian foods. 36,700,000 sites. If you follow my easy to follow steps to get on googles first page rankings use your keyword in your title, your header and at least 15 to 20 times in your blog. Finish it off.Finish it off
Finish it off With a call to action. Don't ask. Don't tell. Invite people to your blog, to your website where ever you want them to go. Will I get first page ranking with this blog, maybe a little bit but not much because it is within this website. Will you get first page ranking with a site with your blog, Absolutely!!! There are a lot of html codes out there to use, but if you just use these few simple techniques, you will have those first page rankings. I hope you all are having a great day and a pleasant week. I would like to invite you to connect with me and let me know how your doing with your blog. If you need help with those settings on getting your blog twerked out lol let me know and I will help you.Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Killer Keller Blogging About Visi & Organo Gold : I Climbed K2 Without Oxygen & Made it Back Alive
Killer Keller Blogging About Visi & Organo Gold : I Climbed K2 Without Oxygen & Made it Back Alive: I'm on top of the world and I made it back Alive We all want to make it to the top. Succeed and make and meet our goals in life. One...
Monday, February 17, 2014
I Climbed K2 Without Oxygen & Made it Back Alive
I'm on top of the world and I made it back Alive
We all want to make it to the top. Succeed and make and meet our goals in life. One of these days I will climb K2 it's on my bucket list. But how am I going to get there? What kind of tools or training am I going to need. I know for one thing, I can't do it without a team. I know I am going to have to be physically fit. I know I have to quit smoking. I need to have the right tools to make that kind of trek. I need to know the right day and time of the year and watch the weather reports. I will have to have a plan of action and a back up plan of action and a back up plan of action for my back-up. Where will I set up my base camp? I will need a guide to get me there. All great things to be considered into making this journey to a destination to be on top of the world. I will need to be able to come back Alive with all my fingers and toes.Building A Business Is The Same Way
You will need a proper guide, the right tools and training and knowing when the right time to get in on a business. Having a plan of action and a back up plan of action. What kind of business? Where do you want to build it? Is it going to be geographically challenging? What are the products? What kind of advertising is going to work best. Do I want it to be duplicat-able or just be a slave to it like a normal job. If I have my own business will it keep and feed me and keep me Alive. Will it support my family if I chose to run it one day a week till I can be sure that it is something that I want to do. Is owning a business the right thing to do with the economy that were in? Am I going to be in a higher tax bracket? Woah...what kind of options are out there for having your own business and have financial freedom with it.The Family That Builds Businesses Together Stays Alive Together
Recently, my sister Kerri,
What's The Point Of All Of This...My Family is Creating Businesses For You To Stay Alive.
We believe in the human spirit, We believe in hope and giving hope and having faith in everyone that reads this that you are looking for the right tools the right time the right place to do the right thing for yourselves and for your family: have that embodiment of spirit and love to have financial freedom, not just for yourself but how we can teach you so that you can teach others so that they too do not have to be chained to someone else's dreams. We want you to stay Alive and to have H.O.P.E which means... "HOLD ON PAIN ENDS"Monday, February 10, 2014
Two Frogs & A Snake Share A Bucket..
No the Snake didn't eat the Two Frogs
I have my lovely 8 year old daughter resurfacing my fears of snakes as I was taking her back to her mom's yesterday. As I have her every other weekend which is stipulated in the parenting plan. Kristen says to me, "Dad, do you remember when you made me touch that icky little Snake"? I had to chuckle a bit for there for a second. I have "NEVER" made my daughter do anything that she doesn't want to do. I even held her hand every step of the way. But it's not what you think. I would never make anyone do anything that they don't want to do, especially pressure anyone to get into one of my businesses. Let me tell you what happened though. I have a deep seated fear of Snakes, since I was a young kid. My cousins would torment me with gardener Snakes and corn Snakes. I lived in Nebraska at the time and in the summers those sandhills would literally crawl with those deep seated fears. Being fearful and panic stricken and got anxiety at the thought or word, Snake, kept me from growing into the person I should have with no fears; especially in our world today. Throughout the years though, I would slowly, inch by inch, make my way closer to the Snakes in their protective glass cages at the pet store. So what happened? Did I conquer my fears? Soon I was nose to nose with a baby boa Snake. I happened to have my daughter with me at the time. Kristen said, "Dad your freaking me out". I got down on her level, eye to eye, and talked to her a for a bit reassuring her that she was safe; that I would hold her hand every step of the way. So that she can respect the creatures that can take life within a blink of an eye; to a curiosity that it won't hurt you and it won't hurt me. With that, the pet shop owner slid the baby boa in my hand. I didn't force my daughter in any way shape or form to touch the snake. She came out of her comfort zone and inch by inch slowly, cautiously got close enough to see it in my hand. Amazed, she said,"It's not going to hurt you and it's not going to hurt me". "No, Kristen, this little baby Snake will not hurt you".But What Happened to the Frogs?
Were doing great. We were frogs. Kristen and I are the frogs that churned the milk in the bucket long enough to churn it into butter to succeed and get past our fears of snakes. We didn't give up when the going got tough and Snakes were staring at us in the eye. If the two of us can do that; granted it was just Snakes, (I know there are some people out there that have Snakes as pets) but still it's a deeply seated fear of change for a lot of people. My mom and grandma are two of them and they are deeply panic stricken by Snakes; but they didn't let their fears overwhelm them into stop being as successful as they are today.We Are All Frogs In The Grand Scheme Of Things
The question is, are you going to give up on conquering your fears; or keep on swimming, to churn that milk into a creamy butter so that you can get out of that bucket so that you won't drowned.Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Superbowl - Superflop Super Cup of Ograno Gold Coffee
Maybe if the Forty-Niners had a Super Cup Of Organo Gold Coffee it wouldn't have been a massacre
Me, I was neutral. I was Switzerland. I really didn't care who won. But as opposed to the fights that broke which were few. Both are good teams, and played a decent game but it definitely was a massacre. It wasn't a beating or spanking but there will be rivalries in my family now. I was recently down in Gordon, Nebraska for a uncle's funeral this last Saturday, as down as we all were we all still managed to yell and holler at the tv for the Bronco's and the Ravens. Half of the family was for the Ravens and the other half of us were for the Bronco's. Made for interesting conversations. My Aunt Laverna said, "Casey I hear one more clap or a yes for the few points that the Bronco's scored, your out of this house", Granted were family that would have never happened. My uncle Gary replied, "You want to sleep out in the barn". All in all I became a silent Cheerleader. Now that's a team I wouldn't mind being on. Wouldn't we all. But what if the Bronco's had a super cup of Organo Gold's Coffee, what then. Well I can tell you it would have helped them have clarity and focus and keep their hands on the ball. Your probably thinking, "How can coffee give you clarity and focus. Well, with Organo Gold coffee, it will help you have, clarity and focus, it works with your metabolism, and helps circulate the body and the blood. Each cup has over 200 anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, and helps fight the free radicals in your body without giving you the coffee crashes or coffee jitters. Also regular coffee is very acidic it will take you 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level, "LEVEL". Does your coffee do that? Does that Starbuck's or Folgers or Seattle's Best do any of those things? I bet those coffee's cost a whole lot more than Organo Gold's Coffee. The Other nice benefit of Organo Gold's Coffee is that they pay you to drink and sample the products to other people. Is the coffee your drinking paying you a paycheck on a weekly basis?Have A Superbowl Of A Super Cup of Organo Gold's Coffee
Would you like to try a sample of a Superbowl cup of Organo Gold Coffee? Why not drop me a line with your address and I will send you "FIVE" "FREE" samples. What I would like in return is to come and check out my facebook page at, and I will gladly send you those 5 free samples. You have nothing to lose, except a Superbowl cup of a healthy cup of Organo Gold Coffee. It doesn't matter which team you were rooting for.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
If you can Dream it He will come..
If You Can Dream It, You Will Achieve It
I am remembering a story I heard in a movie of something that I think is so much more profound than we actually think. Have you ever seen the movie, Facing the Giants? What are your giants? It is a christian based movie about a football team who literally faced giants (another football team) to become the state champions two years in a row. How did they do it? They did it for the glory of God. Not for themselves. It took a prayer and hope. In this movie I am reminded of a part of the script but also how we can apply it to everything that we need in life. "There are two farmers, who desperately needed rain during their drought season to bless their crops so that they can provide for their families and for the community for there fields to bloom with food. One farmer went out and prepared his fields for rain and the other did not, who do you think God blessed with rain"? The answer is all but to obvious, the farmer who went out and prepared his fields. We all have Dreams. Visions, Goals that drive us to excel in what we have to do to achieve your Dreams. But if we are not preparing our life or the people in our life, how can we achieve our Dreams. We need to help others succeed first and that will prepare us for our own victory as well. Think about what you have to do or offer to others. Prepare and build and nourish our friendships and relationships and that in return will prepare us for the rain to come to nourish our mouths as well.Our Dreams Are Not Regurgiated, It's Everything That We Read
Have you ever noticed that most books are saying the same thing they just add fancy words or put in there own ideas, thoughts and opinions that we want to believe that over the real deal of what it takes to have a financial means to an end. Take for example, Napolean Hill's Think and Grow rich and the sequel The Law of Success. It's basically the same thing it has just been regurgiatated for him to make another couple million for a second book. So why do we do it? Why do we spend millions of dollars investing in book after book after book trying to find out what is going to help us give us a financial means to an end. Our Drerams don't have to be cloudy if we have a clear vision of what we want and how we can help others so let me shed a little light on what Robert Kiyosaki wrote in The Business of the 21st Century. Why would anyone want another income stream when one or two full time jobs has them stressed out enough as it is already. Our past represents the future that we are in right now, recession after recession after recession. Companies going broke, and unemployment lines getting longer. General Motors went into bankruptcy in 2009 and California started using I.O.U.'s to pay it's bills instead of cash. The baby boomers numbers have doubled where more and more people are working past the age of 65 and there is "NO" security in Social Security. Where have your Dreams gone? To someone else getting richer instead of you putting money back into our own pocket.

Industrial Age Dreams or Informational Analytical Thinking
Their is one very distinct word from being in the Industrial age and the 21st century Information age. Their was Hope in having a Dream. Because we had job security, company pensions, health care, our 401 K's, we had medicare, and social security. What do we have now? There is a lack of jobs,(Just in Butte, Montana alone had a loss of over 300 jobs in the last 4 months.) not having a pension, working less hours, having expensive health care plans, our S.S.I is gone, our parents are working past the age of 65, and our unemployment lines are getting longer. At what point are we going to "STAND UP" and say, "ENOUGH" and start preparing our fields to have dreams again, why have we given up HOPE? I want to give hope back to everyone else. I believe in everyone that if you have a Dream, (he will come) you can achieve whatever you want.Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Organo Gold Coffee Was On The Titanic But It Didn't Sink
Organo Gold Coffee, if it was around back then it would have survived the sinking.
Why is that? Well, let me you tell you why. Each pack is in freeze dried packets, so even if the Organo Gold Coffee's were on the Titanic the only thing that would rot away from the sea water would be the boxes that they come in. I have had people ask me, "well it's in freeze dried foil packs, how good can it really be". Well would you like to try a sample? We have 22 different products including a women's body lotion and a beauty bar soap that's an apricot scrub and they all have the Ganoderma Luciderm in it as well and a toothpaste as well as some really great nutrient products as well. So what would you like to try a sample of? Black, Latte, Mocha, Green Tea, Red tea, Hot Chocolate... All the products taste great and are extremely healthy for you because of the Ganoderma Luciderm in it and they are gluten free, organic which makes it a great and healthy drink. Each cup has 200 anti-oxidants as oppossed to orange juices 17, as well as phyto-nutrients they help promote better sleep and circulation. They help circulate the body and the blood and works with your metabolism. Let me throw you a life preserver, because I am sure that almost everyone has a new years resolution to get healthier. So why not start your morning off right with a healthy cup of jo. I am in this Organo Gold Coffee business for you and for others providing a good quality product. From a company that is five years old and publicly traded in 36 countries. We recently got a shark in our business, no not a Great White shark, but the legendary, professional golf player Greg Norman. If the Organo Gold Coffee is good for him, I can be rest assured that the Organo Gold Ganoderma Luciderm Coffees will be good for you as well. Since our company has launched five years ago, we have 44 multi-millonaires in our business.Even Marilyn Monroe likes the Organo Gold Coffee
Just look at her and her expression when I told her about the Organo Gold Ganoderma Luciderm Coffees. She was so estatic about it that her dress blew up a little bit, no it wasn't steam from a man-hole. It was a amazing experience for both her and me to talk about the Organo Gold Coffee business and products and said if she was alive today that she would like to get involved in a great business, that has great products that are consumable, a fantastic management team, everyone is having great results, and our company is 100% fully funded.Organo Gold Coffee has what it takes to make you healthier and if you want Richer
I would like to invite you to come and check out our products at and do your due dilligence and figure out what is going to be right for you and your budget of what you would like to do and get started with. Why? the second most popular new years eve resolution is to be debt free, or make enough money to put your kids through college. Is there a wedding in the future, a honeymoon that has never been had? What about that vacation that you want to take your family on. You can do all of those and not have to worry about your Organo Gold Coffee business if all you do is just tell your down line to each get two people in their business in your organization. Get yourself put on a auto-ship and you will see residual checks and money from a global sharing pool being deposited into your bank account. Have a great and Happy and Blessed New Year everyone.Friday, January 10, 2014
Do You Want To Play Laser Tag or Get Laser Targeted Leads....Time On Target...
How Do You Get Laser Targeted Leads With Laser Tag.
Easy, you get your Laser Targeted cat to get your leads for you. The cruelty we put our Laser Targeted animals through...=-) Especially if they are young, playful, vibrant, charismatic, and full of energy like a tornado in Butte, MT. My daughter wanted a Laser Targeting pen to play with her cat. I thought okay seems harmless enough. Little did I know, how much fun I would have Laser Targeting, time on target, targeting our new cat. We have had so much fun playing with our newest member of our family, that we hadn't thought of a name yet for her. So teasingly I tell my daughter we can name her... Ferrari... (You can also get one through the Organo Gold business). She is just about as fast as one, and she purrs like one as well.Time On Targeted Leads Is As Easy As Playing Lasertag.
Your probably wondering though, how is this going to help you get laser targeted Leads to your Business. Or to your Offer, or what you want people to look at right? Most all everybody knows how to somewhat get laser Targeted Leads to where they want people to go. You have to have a Laser, targeted on your audience or rather on your cat... "BANG" and you will have it. You will have those Laser targeted Leads coming to you and people checking out your you-tube videos, your links to your offer, or your product and or service of what you can offer people ( and if your not getting enough of an audience or closings you need to narrow or be more specific to what you want people to look at what your doing. Me, yeah your probably all checking out the hilarious video I made of making a tornado happen in Butte, MT, with the help of my daughters Laser pen and our cat. All of contents in this blog have absolutely nothing to do with what I'm offering through my business with Organo Gold coffee. I could have been more creative and said something like, "This is what you get when you give your cat coffee from the Organo Gold Gandoderma Luciderm coffees". And it's an organic coffee, so it's good for us as well as probably for our animals. Hahahaha =-) You will get all of the energy with out the coffee crashes. However though, Ferrari, did eventually crash. After playing with her last night with our Laser targeting pen. Hahahaha =-)Monday, January 6, 2014
Organo Gold's Ganoderma Lucidem's New Years Resolution...
What New Years resolutions did you make for the new year of 2014?
Was it to lose a little weight? Did you know that drinking Organo Gold's Ganoderma Luciderm coffees can help you burn some fat and regulate your metabolism? Be Debt Free and having bills paid off? Did you know that Drinking and just sharing the Gandoderma Luciderm coffees with others pays you just for sampling the products to other people? Having a better paying job? Did you know that if you had a Organo Golds Ganoderma Luciderm Coffee business will pay you more in a week than having a full time regular paying job? These are usuallywhat most people wantor
would like to have in there lives.Wouldn't we all? How could having or making a risk of getting your own Organo Gold's Ganoderma Luciderm coffee business help you by getting these things in your life. You don't want to spend a fortune but get something that has a low start up and will bring in a high overhead to help you achieve your New Years resolutions.
Organo Gold's Ganoderma Luciderm's Resolutions to help you.
In my track record of looking at different online businesses, (Warren Buffet said that there is about 1,800 of them) I am not biased or have opinionated thinking that we have the cheapest start up costs. But we definitely have the most affordable ranging from $200 and up to $1,300 for our three business packages that we have. Plus our Ganoderma Luciderm coffees are the healthiest coffees that you will ever drink. Just google it, Organo Gold or Ganoderma Luciderm. Check out the images for it as well. You will not find a more better healthier cup of coffee, that pays you for drinking it or sampling it out to other people. You don't have to be no guru or network marketer or direct selling specialist to sell or market our products. When all you have to do is ask family or friends colleagues, roommates, boyfriends, girlfriends husbands, wives, significant others... Hey you drink coffee, try this out...that's really good isn't it. How did it make you feel? That's awesome check out these other flavors? Great aren't they! What? You want to know more about it. Cool.My Resolution is to help anyone who chooses to want to make a difference in others lives.
I know this guy, Casey Keller. Great guy, really personable and very knowledgeable and passionate about these coffees and the business and he is doing really well. I know that you would like him, let me give you his number and he can help you achieve your New Years Resolutions. Here is his number, 406-490-6057 he lives in Montana, raises his 8 year old daughter, and is remodeling a place for his folks to rent out, he spends a lot time with his family because he has that time freedom to because of this online business. He use to work 65 hours a week at a job that wasn't going anywhere and scrapped by to provide for everything for his daughter; he hardly never had time for her or for his family. He smoked and drank a lot because of the loss of his wife, but this business gave him the opportunity to get cleaned up and to want to help others. Now, he makes it to every singing practice and every show for his daughter, her sports, and her activities, and for his family and their needs, this guy is there. I know that he would be there for you to, for your success. There is not a better mentor out there in my own personal opinion than this guy. Give him a call and see what he can do for you.
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