How To Blog To Get First Page Rankings On Google
Wouldn't you like it if someone actually held your hand and walked you throuth the steps on how to create a blog for your business to get more people seeing your posts and getting repeating customers to either a online store or to your physical business.
Google blogging, there is 68,100,000 sites for it. Out of those sites do you know which one that is going to be right for you especially if you are just starting out and you want to keep finances to a minimun. The object is to make money not spend it right, So I wouldn't reccomend The empower network blogging system, it is a great one to use, but you will spend $25.00 for it, it would be worth it if you sold that blogging platform and get 100% commissions off of it. It is a very effective blogging site.
But I am here to help you save money, and not direct you to spending your money. There is a word press blog site that you can use, it's fairly understandable. Out of the 68,100,000 sites though what I would suggest for first time bloggers is, you can link it in with your google+ and you-tube accounts, more about that later.
What is nice about is it's simplicity. Once you get all the settings and templates set about a half hours time, you can start blogging. what are you going to blog about? You can blog from the silly and ordained, share inspirational stories, to about your business and your products and or services that you are offering. How do you get it to the first page of google ahead of your competitors?
Here comes the meat and potatoes. I keep my html codes pretty simple. What is a html code? It is the code of a picture, like a longitude and a latitude of your current position. For a heading to the top of a blog you would use this html code
What does this do, it creates a header Like if I used it in this blog I would have wrote it like this at the very top of this blog
How to Blog To Get First Page Rankings On Google
Let's say you have a different header like in the middle of your blog and another at the end you will not use h1. For each separate header you will use h2, h3 just like in the example above.
Tweak it. Not Twerk it lol Theres a difference. I want you to use the tools bar at the top to bold things, underline things, put things in "quotation marks" use the Italize. And above all else use

How to use keywords to your benefit
How to use keywords to your benefit
A keyword? Yes, go to google and type in a a word or phrase and see how many sites are out there on the internet to see your competition. Let's google Ganoderma, (because that is a herb that the Asians and Chinese use for it's medicinial properties that they used and infused in the healthy ganoderma coffee drinks that I market) it has 1,570,000 sites out there. That's a pretty big market. But if you scroll down the 7th one on there that is my blog from my site. How did I get on the first page with such a huge market? I used these tips that I learned from reading and learning from the best.
So let's say you have an italian restaurant serving the best italian foods. In googles search bar type, best italian foods. 36,700,000 sites. If you follow my easy to follow steps to get on googles first page rankings use your keyword in your title, your header and at least 15 to 20 times in your blog.
Finish it off.
Finish it off
Finish it off
With a call to action. Don't ask. Don't tell. Invite people to your blog, to your website where ever you want them to go. Will I get first page ranking with this blog, maybe a little bit but not much because it is within this website. Will you get first page ranking with a site with your blog, Absolutely!!! There are a lot of html codes out there to use, but if you just use these few simple techniques, you will have those first page rankings. I hope you all are having a great day and a pleasant week. I would like to invite you to connect with me and let me know how your doing with your blog. If you need help with those settings on getting your blog twerked out lol let me know and I will help you.
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