This is my blogging channel for all of those interested in following some interesting and funny stories that I love to share with people. As well as the information, tools and knowledge of what it actually takes to have a successful business in any business.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Ganodermera Luciderm, The Healthy way to Drink your Coffee and get paid for drinking it.
Ganodermera Luciderm, The healthy way to drink your coffee and get paid for drinking it.
What is Ganodermera Luciderm? In laymans terms it is a herb that the Asians and the Chinese use as a herbal and medicinal properties that helps promote health and longevity, lower lipids, promotes better sleep habits, lowers the risk of cancer and heart disease and boosts the immune system. Each cup contains over 200 anti-oxidants as opposed to orange juices's 17. Each of the products has the Ganodermera Luciderm infused into each of the black, latte, mocha, green tea, hot chocolate along with the other fine and great products that you can find in my pictures tab on my facebook page at We have a wide selection of different products as well as a beauty apricot scrub soap that has the Ganodermera Luciderm infused with it. As well as a nice Ganodermera Luciderm infused in a Velvet Body lotion.Normal coffee is very acidic and lowers your bodies ph level so much that it will take you 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level back to normal.Did you know that if you had a normal ph level in your body you would have a better chance of losing weight. Normal coffee also eats away the enamel on your teeth. Are you getting tired of coffee stained teeth? Our Ganodermera Luciderm tooth paste helps whiten and rebuilds the enamel on your teeth, giving you a
healthier and brighter smile. The Ganodermera Luciderm coffees and teas are finely ground up so you don't get that coffee ground taste and it doesn't give you the coffee crashes or the coffee jitters.
Is Starbucks or Folgers paying you for drinking their coffee?
Well why not get paid for drinking a healthy Ganodermera Luciderm infused coffee product from me. I want to invite you to come to my website at where you can get signed up with me into our three different starter packs. Or do you want more information before you make a $500.00 investment? You can come to and click on the overview and get an excellent business proposal from two of my mentors Royce Mccoy and Grenville Lock explain the Organo Gold experience and what you will get when you get started into having your own Ganodermera Luciderm coffee business. Our products come in a very nice foil pack, it makes it very easy to sample out to friends and family. You can set your own price as retail for selling the coffees or simply direct people to your own Organo Gold website where they can get your products at wholesale. You can make a weekly residual income on a part time basis, as well as have bonuses and commissions that pays 9 levels down including a global sharing pool where everyone gets a profit. Get two people in your business then those two to get 2 those 4 to each get 2 etc. etc etc. When everyone in your organization just gets 2 people in their coffee business with you, in a years time you can have 4,096 people in your organization just by everyone getting just 2 people.Your future with Ganodermera Luciderm coffees and teas.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the time freedom for your kids, family, friends being able to be there for them when they need you. That is my why, of why I am in this business. To have the time freedom to spend with my daughter, to spend time with my family. To be able to be there for my friends. To either to be able to help them financially or to give them great and healthy Ganodermera Luciderm coffees and teas. I want to be able to give something back to the community and the world, not just to my family and friends. Everyone deserves to be healthy, everyone deserves to have an residual income, whether you decide to have your own Organo Gold Ganodermera Luciderm products or not you will here about it as a house hold name in the future. Right now our company is 5 years old. Wouldn't you want to get in on a great business and be on some great Ganodermera luciderm products that will help you be healthier an possibly live a little longer? No matter what your answer may be, I would still like to invite everyone to connect with me at my facebook page at for it's our connections with people, not just being in the right place at the right time. Wishing you all a very merry and Happy Thanksgiving this year. God Bless you all.Tuesday, October 29, 2013
No Daddy I Don't want to go to Mommy's, when courts shut an eye to Child abuse.
When courts shut an eye to Child Abuse what do you do?
This is not for the faint of heart. This past weekend I had a friend, Jake, call me about what has been going on in his life with his daughter and his ex. As he was explaining to me all the details and sending me pictures of the abuse on his daughter and his conversations with his lawyer. About all I could do was just sit there and cry. Because I have a daughter, Kristen, who is the same age as his daughter Marie. I thought to myself while listening to my friend cry over the phone, if this was my daughter what would I do? What would any of us do to see a bruise like this on their daughters face. So, this morning I called my lawyer and asked him why don't courts take a child out of the mother's house and put the child in more better protective care with the dad. Jake, whom I have known for years, I know to be a great dad, he takes care of his daughter. they laugh they giggle they play. They cook together go to the park, and amusement parks swimming, camping, he is very active, involved in Marie's life. So why is it that courts say, "NO" to a child being in the dad's care. We don't like seeing or hearing of the hard things in life, especially when it is Child Abuse. What would any of us do? If you have a child your protective of them especially when you get your child back and they have marks on them or other bruises. Child Abuse as defined is an act, or failure to act, on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in the death, serious physical or emotional harm, Sexual Abuse, or exploitation of a child, or which places the child in an imminent risk of serious harm (42 U.S.C.A. § 5106g). Child-abuse laws raise difficult legal and political issues, putting the right of children to be free from harm, on the one hand, against the right of families to privacy and the rights of parents to raise and discipline their children without government interference, on the other. The mistreatment of children at the hands of parents or caretakers has a long history. For centuries, this behavior was shielded by a system of laws that gave children few, if any, rights. Under English Common Law, children were treated as property owned by the parents. Parents, particularly fathers, had great latitude over the treatment and discipline of children. This outlook was carried to the American colonies and incorporated into early laws in the United States. What my lawyer told me is that, "Casey, kids are going to be kids, their going to get bumps and bruises cuts and scraps". This I understand all to well myself. But never has my daughter Kristen ever been returned to me in such coarse-ness from being in the residence of her mother. Continuing to listen to Jake till early this morning he told me, "Case, I love my daughter you know I would never hurt her". About a year and a half ago Kelly, Jake's ex, told their daughter to lie to the courts and to the counselors. Marie is 6 years old at the time. That her daddy touched her. I know Jake would never touch his daughter in any way shape fashion or form of Child Abuse. What Kelly did almost made it to a point to the extent of getting Jake put into prison over something he never did. Because she told her daughter to lie and said, "If you don't tell the counselors and the judge this lie, I will never see you again". This just absolutely not just enraged me, but it made me feel so sad for their little girl. Being torn between two people that love her. But being abused not just psychologically but Child Abused to the point of bruises, and cuts on this beautiful little girl. That Jake's lawyer and my lawyer confirmed unless it is to the extent of bones being broken or blood gushing, emergency room visits seem to be the case where the lawyers would say, "Okay this child is being abused".Would you shut an eye to a Child being Child Abused?
We, including myself don't like seeing kids being abused in any way shape or fashion or form. So why do we shut an eye to it? Why do we turn away and say it's not my child? Could you put yourself in Jake's shoes? Can you imagine your own child being abused? You stand up for your own kids, why not for others. Our kids are our future, why would we let this be swept under the rug? Why would we want to wait until something much more worse could happen. Yes I agree kids can be kids and get there life's experiences of bumps and bruises. It's how we learn. But this is not a life experience that any child should have to go through of being Child abused. For me, I am going to make it an effort for Jake and his daughter and anyone who comes to me needing money for a lawyer to fight the system of injustices to provide a means of financial hope. Courts say, in parenting plans, for the best interests of the child. How many times have you heard this and it seems more and more apt to be for the mother. No child should have to be taken away from either parent who loves them. In Jake's case I am sure that Kelly loves her daughter but then why is Marie paying for it with her body of bruises. I am sure that Marie loves her mom, but when I hear Jake crying over the phone to me saying that when he has to take her back to her mom she cry's to him and says, "Daddy I don't want to go to mommy's", tears at my own heart. What can I do? I asked him if he could afford $1,300.00 and he said, "YES". I said okay let me help you build a business. So just an hour ago I see that he just signed up into my coffee business that is at I honestly feel a huge weight lifted off of mine and Jake's shoulders. Knowing that I did do something to help. Would or are you willing and want to help others especially families or kids that are being abused, in broken homes, in orphanages to have a life. Give a life, give of yourselves, they may not be your child but they are the children of our future, and where they will put us. Are our kids going to love us and take care of us, not if we have abused them. Let's take care of our future so that they may have one.Friday, October 4, 2013
Are you an Expectant mother or a Expectant giggling boy in the hamper at the end of the hallway.
Are you being too Expectant or Expecting the Un-expected.
Whether if it's being Expectant or expected or not sometimes we just cannot know what is going to happen in our lives. Much like the little boy hiding in the close hamper at the end of the hallway trying to not giggle to lose his fortified position with squirt gun in hand waiting for his prey to open it to only get drenched with a bucket of water. Recalling a great and happy and fun time from my childhood. That was me, squirt gun in hand Expectant of my would be prey who opens that close hamper only to get drenched from my dad with a bucket of water.
Some Expectant-cies are not always of being Expectant are not always so pleasant.
People come and go in our life, we need to be Expectant of that. Death
make a little extra money.Do you drink coffee? latte? Mocha latte? Green Tea? Hot chocolate? Those are just a few of our great and amazing products that are paying you to drink it, and to sample it. I'm not expectant of everyone liking or wanting to have their own business where they can have and make a little extra income and have a great tasting and "HEALTHY" organic coffee. You have read this far though haven't you? I'm not Expectant of that but you have, so why not check out, then connect with at my facebook page at give my page a like and drop me your address and I will send you samples of our great tasting healthy organic coffees.
Be less Expectant and watch yourself and your Business grow.
Organo Gold coffee is organic and is infused with gandoderma luciderm mushrooms. Making it the healthiest coffee available and it is the coffee that pays. Regular coffee is very acidic which lowers your bodies ph level so much that it will take 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level back to normal, also a natural diarheatic. So it is no wonder why we have an obseity epidemic. Just imagine if you had a normal ph level how much easier it would be to lose weight, have your body and blood oxygeniated which helps support the circulation and balances your blood sugar and increases your body's metabolism helping you lose weight. It supports a better quality of sleep and eliminates the toxins and free radicals in your body. Each cup of coffee has over 200 antioxidants of vitamins minerals and nutrients, and phytonutrients that help nourish your body. Do your body and your bank account a favor and be Expectant that this is the right choice for your body and bank account.Wednesday, October 2, 2013
If Success leaves clues what does Failure lead ?
You want to be a Success so why are you failing?
There can be many reasons why we are failing or struggling in our industry. But did you know that a lot of people are looking towards home based businesses as a second income to supplement there income because of there W.O.R.K (Weekly overload recreational killer) or J.O.B (Just Over Broke) isn't enough. Success leaves clues for us to follow but if we are so blindly with blinders focused on those stimulants of work, kids, family, husband, wife, personal issues, or sports that we don't see when someone may be offering something to us or others to have a little extra money coming in that we won't see that clue to success.

So you want a clue to Success?
Wouldn't that be nice, someone to actually give you some kind of clue (bread crumb number 2. Organo gold Coffee) that there is money to be made in the network marketing, direct selling niche of no matter what the product, service, that someone out there is offering. Okay, so your interested, I got you reading this far let me give the clue that there is and that you can make a little bit of extra money even if you have no idea how to be a direct selling specialist or entrepreneur or network marketer. You don't need to be. You refer people to get in on your directv account and directv gives you $10.00 off your bill right. Okay well check this site out. Alright granted a lot of these people have probably been in the industry for years, it has taken them a long time to accrue their millions. One of the many people and close friends of mine and that I have and look up to and get mentored by, Michelle Reiser, has been with Visi since it probably came close to launch back in April of 2012. Motivation and determination, consistency and persistence have paid off for her Success.You want to be a Success, but not sure where to start?
Reading has been making me feel like a Success. I have been reading John Maxwell's book Leadership 101. A lot of great and helpful clues to Success. Whether that Success means financial or by any other means it has been an absolute must read for anyone wanting to attain wealth or to become a leader. "Michelle Reiser", has become agreat leaderin our company with Visi. I would like to ask after going on that above link at and vote for her. If you see and read some other names in the industry that can prove that there is money and some excellent companies to be with and you want to make a little extra money, (bread crumb number 3. I am in two of the companies that I have already mentioned in this blog).
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Miley twerks for Millions Mlmer's Make Millions
If Miley Cyrus can twerk for Millions, Mlmer's make Millions!!
If Miley Cyrus can twerk her body provacatively and make Millions. Then surely anyone that doesn't have any knowledge of being a network marker or direct selling specialist or entrepreneur for an online business can make Millions as well. Yes Miley has come of age. Thank you Miley, but when are you going to start acting like it. Sex can sell with clothes on. But Miley and your Millions this blog is not about you. I will only add however that I am just as disappointed as your dad is. Is this the image you want to portray to your younger fans. I have a 8 year old daughter who looks up to you, as your younger years as an actress on Hanna Montana. But clearly we all know that, that is not who you are now. We all grow up into our character and personality of who we want to be and be known as, hopefully when you do it, it will be with your clothes on.How Mlmer's make their Millions, Miley!!!
There are a lot of great companies out there to go to work for if your passionate about the products the services and you believe in it 110%. We back our faith and belief in what we do, were passionate about it, much like Miley Cyrus and her Millions is abouther looks.Okay Miley you look good, but you can look nice with clothes on as well. How we mlmer's can look depends a lot on our personality. I would rather have 200 people in my business with Organo gold coffee( have a
pleasing personalitythan twerking around in a video to get peoples attention to get them to come into their $100 hundred Million dollar home based business. Granted okay, I might go topless in one or maybe two videos that I have done but it was with taste and humor to show my results of going from 205 pounds down to 170 with Visi's nutritional pill a day weight loss capsules trimma and the other nutritional products as well. The Visi energy, Visi wellness, Probita chews, Rensa (whole body cleanse) and Vinnle which have made me feel and look like a Million dollars.
Miley here's how I can help you make another couple Million!!
I bet you have a lot of friends that still follow you Miley. That's great. Just ask two people to get into an organo gold business for $1,300.00 That's it. Then tell those two people to each get two people into a organo gold coffee business. Then those two to get 2 people, then those other two people to get two people, etc etc etc. Then you will have built an organization a team of people that don't need to twerk at all to build the same business where everyone makes 20% commissions on products, signups, and dual team commissions and bonus team commissions for everyone holding a particular volume for a month. Miley I bet you and your Millions of friends drink coffee or latte's, Mocha latte's. Sounds pretty good doesn't it. Miley and your Millions of friends I would sell you and your friends boxes by the cases of some of the worlds best and finest, organic coffee. That will help lower your blood pressure, regulate your metabolism,(helping to lose weight at the same time) and keep your bodies ph level level. Did you know that with just one cup of regular coffee will reduce your bodies ph level so much that it will take 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level back to normal?. Did you know that if your body and the Millions of people that knew that if they kept a normal ph level in their bodies they would never have a problem with losing weight. So Miley twerk your Million dollar body and your Millions of friends to my site at for $1,300 and make 20% commissions and you'll be able to keep your clothes on and maintain an outstanding repatoire with not just my daughter but with the other Millions of little girls that look up to "YOU" SET and BE the example that you should, that you would want them MIllions of little girls to be.Wednesday, September 18, 2013
If you can't get a Tiger by the tail, ride it !!!
My daughter couldn't catch a Tiger by the tail so she rode it.
We have all heard the popularized saying, "You can't catch a tiger by the tail". In my daughters case she couldn't either so instead she rode it. Alright hahaha you got me it's not real it is a statue of a tiger down in the Idaho Falls zoo. But how simple it is to do things that are so inanimate. Especially when something can be as beautiful and dangerous at the same time. When you become passionate about anything, whether it be animals or whatever you try the simplest of ways to do what is on your bucket list. To make it achievable. We don't want to escape the near clutches of death to attain things that are on our bucket list. We just want them simple, easy. Much of what's on my bucket list isn't riding a Tiger. Or trying to get a Tiger by the tail. What are you passionate about? What drives you to excell? Is it your kids? Your spouse, your significant other? What's the fire in your life that gets you excited and pushes you? Is it to ride a Tiger? Whatever your passion is, is a love. It's a mistress. What am I passionate about? Well other than catching a Tiger by the tail or riding on that Tigers back, as long as it doesn't maul me to death is my daughter. I am passionate about being a great dad and in doing so, I have two awesome, amazing companies with great products, that if your passionate enough about will excell you and anyone else to do what is necessary, to do what you need to do for your kids or for my daughter. We want the best for our kids. But how do we do it? Where do we start? We want it simple, easy. Trying to get that Tiger by the tail or riding it is not that easy. That is something that I am not passionate about so I don't know what all it will en-"tail". But let me tell you what I am passionate about and how it works.Let your Passion be your guide to get that Tiger by the tail.
Why I am so passionate about Visi. I was overweight and out of shape almost had high blood pressure and couldn't hardly keep up with my daughter. One of my buddies John Busswood got me introduced to the company back in October of last year. Being a bit skeptical especially with wondering if I have to maintain a certain diet, because I love food. I tried it for a month and lost 18 pounds.I got "EXCITED". I took the Visi pill a day weight loss capsules and the visi wellness and the Visi energy. Everyone I am here to tell you I went from 205 pounds to 170 pounds in two months and have kept it off without plateauing or going on any kind of special diet or exercise. The products are all natural all organic that come from the berries in Scandinavia. But Visi is more than that, I live it.I am a walking billboard of the health benefits that range from weight loss, having more energy a better wellness (which has all the key vitamins minerals and nutrients that your body needs. Vitamins A, B, C D, E, B1, B2 B3, B4, B5, B6, B12. If you know anyone that has MS or Fibromalgia, depression, anxiety, ptsd the wellness powder is the way to go. It builds your bodies b vitamins up and gives you an energy that MS and Fibromalgia naturally depletes form their bodies. My health is much better, I have more energy, I get a full nights sleep, I can get up and get going. I have the energy to keep up with my daughter and I didn't have to catch a Tiger by the tail to do this. It's given me the passion to do what I need to do for my kid. Wouldn't you want to have the same thing? Let me simplify this for you. Come to my site at or connect with on facebook at and let me help you get that Tiger by the tail. Whatever business builder pack you decide to come in with that will suit your needs and your wallet's budget. I will tell you that you just need two people to join under you. Then tell those two people to just get two, etc, etc, etc. That's all you need just two. Let's say you don't have time but want to try it anyways, great, join now, I will have your Visi id number because it will be associated with me and I will build your business for you by putting people in your business.That Tiger won't put a $1,000.00 a day in your bank account.
Only if your truly motivated to catch that Tiger by the tail, and by word of mouth and sharing the products and your testimony of what the products did for you. It is astay at home business, but you don't have to stay at home to build it. That's a network marketers job sitting behind their desk. You can have your day J.O.B. All I want to do is give you the benefit of making a little bit of money and getting healthy at the same time. You can work Visi part time or full time. Me? I am a disabled veteran this is all I do, and I love it. I love connecting with people and sharing the product and my testimony. Can you make a $1,000.00 a day? Your results will not be typical it all depends on how much you work it. So come connect with me, Casey Keller at one of my sites and let me help you catch that Tiger by the tail.
Monday, September 16, 2013
How do you ride two Horses at once and not get bucked off ?
I have learned to ride two horses at once and not get bucked off.
So it is not impossible to ride two horses at once persay. But if your really talented you can do it. The word itself is: I'm possible. You can do anything you set your mind to. A lot of us can be really good at multitasking. Can you ride two horses at once? Absolutely! I never let anything or any one say that I can't do it. Because I can. I will, I will set and defy the odds that if I can ride two horses at once and not get bucked off then I know that any other person out there whether they be network marketers, direct selling specialists, or entrepreneurs are riding two or more Horses at once. What does the analogy mean to ride two Horses at once mean? For most people I know have two J.O.B.s This is where the analogy of riding two Horses comes into play. I work for two awesome outstanding businesses. One Horses name is Visi and the other is Organo. One of my businesses is nutrition and the other is coffee. Both are young strong thoroughbreds. How has it been possible for me to ride these horses at once and not get bucked off, very carefully. Most internet network marketing companies have stipulations and as long as you abide by the stipulations why can't we ride two horses at once. I know a lot of people that do, it's called multiple streams of income. Why most people do this is because that there not making enough money with one company so they bring in a team of horses, (mlm's)Why most people don't get bucked off from riding two Horses at once.
How do we do it? Well most people that have two jobs have pretty good employers and can usually accommodate schedules. How do entrepreneurs, network marketers, direct selling specialists do it? We don't pitch or market our visi products to our people in Organo gold coffee. We don't pitch or market our Organo gold coffee to our Visi people. So we have a wide variety of customers that either want our Visi Horse or our Organo Gold coffee Horse. There is a lot of people that do a lot of different things at the same time. You can call it multitasking, working two jobs at once or you can just be a little different and say, "I figured out how to ride two horses at once". Guaranteed it will definitely open people up to communication and a little humor and a smile on there face, to ask "what"? There's your opening to talking to people about what your doing. Whether it may be your main horse or the horse your leading. Or just be as crazy as a stunt rider on two horses at once while standing up.You can lead a Horse to water but you can't make him drink.
I can lead you all to the right Horse, but I can't make you drink. I can't make everyone take the healthy all natural all organic Visi nutritional products. I can't make everyone quit drinking there folgers or starbucks expensive coffee for an organic healthy cheaper better tasting coffee. But, what I can do is lead you to my sites and you can make the decision for yourself on what is going to be right for you and your needs. Are you looking to lose weight? Have more energy? A better wellness? A healthy cleansed body? Then go to my site at You want to have a healthier organic coffee? Where you won't get the jitters or crashes? Gives you a clarity and focus. Helps boost your metabolism without accelerating your heart rate helping with a little weight loss and oxygeniating your body and blood. Did you know that 1 regular cup of the coffee your drinking now while reading this will reduce your bodies ph level so much it will take you 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level back to normal. Do you think that if more people had a balanced intake of water and a ph level that is level you wouldn't have a hard time losing weight. Then come to my website at where you can check it out. Would you like some free samples, connect with me on my business page at drop me a line and I will send you samples of our premeir gourmet select coffees. YEEE HAWWW Visi YEEE HAWWW OrganoWednesday, September 11, 2013
Being Fearless in the eyes of Danger
Are kids so Fearless, but when it comes to us adults why are we so safe.
What has put us in this mode. Is it common sense or just, "I'm just too old for this shit". Should we just pull up our plaid trousers to our necks sit around and drink coffee and play shuffle board, or chess? Surely yes when we are at this point we are just to old to stay in the game so we sit back and enjoy life leisurely. I'm 40 years old, not too old yet and definitely not too old to be able to keep up with my Fearless 8 year old daughter, well at least for now. As I recall last summer being out on the boat with my folks and barbequeing and having a good old time out on the lake. I jump in to cool off and just wading around, I hear this "DADDY". My Fearless 8 year old who has never jumped off the boat, granted the deck of the boat is only two feet before where the water is, comes flying off the boat, life vest and all "SPLASH". Being Fearless doesn't mean being stupid and reckless and irresponsible. With it comes some responsibility as in to our health and longevity and wondering if our medical coverage will cover a broken clavicle from snowboarding. Which was something that happened to my nephew, granted it happened when he was a teenager but still. It's not pushing the envelope or our bodies to the extreme but to try something different. Maybe you have a bucket list but your thinking, I need to be responsible about it. Sure, okay, yes I can agree. There are things I want to try in my life that are not too extreme but to at least say, "I tried".Don't let pride or being Fearless keep you from what you want to do in life.
Even Napoleon Hill says in both his nationally and critically acclaimed books Think and Grow Rich and The 16 laws of success states that most people have these 6 basic fears. The Fear of poverty, the Fear of old age, the Fear of ill health, the Fear of loss of love of someone, the Fear of criticism, and the Fear of death. How can you overcome your fears, mostly just by taking the action to do what you fear. Now we can't die to over come our fear of death, but to accept it. Accepting your Fears is overcoming to having that Fear being whipped. Also to have organized knowledge of each helps whether it comes from overcoming from being fearless and facing those Fears head on. How can I help you overcome your Fears? Can I? When you feel like you you have lost your courage and hope to overcome or face your fears, it doesn't mean that you have lost faith. It just means that you need me in your life because I will help you overcome your Fear of poverty, your Fear of ill health, as far as the other 4 basic Fears that will be up to you to say, "Enough is enough, I don't give a shit, I'm going to take this snow board and learn how to snowboard this coming winter season, regardless to my health". Why can I have this attitude? Because I am involved as an entrepreneur with two amazing companies.Being Fearless means stepping out of your comfort zone.
As most entrepreneurs know you will hear, "NO" more times than you will hear "YES". When I was in Las Vegas at the launching of our two new products, Visi's collagen protein chew called probita and Visi's whole body cleanse, Rensa. I was on a mission. I would go and ask different people from different walks of life who didn't know me from adam. Just different things one was being a live manequin in a store window. Well anyways I was walking back towards my room and I am usually shy around women especially strangers. There was a group of women taking pictures as I was walking by I'm thinking I need to get over my Fear of being shy with women. So I walked up to them and asked if they would like me to take their picture. "Absolutely". Well here's comes the clincher, "would you ladies mind if I got my picture with you"? Needless to say, as you can see I came out of my comfort zone and being fearful or afraid of rejection, I got my picture taken with these beautiful ladies. If I can do that, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, that I know that I can give you the same courage to have your own business and it will cost you $35.00 for the membership or you can come in with one of the business builder packs where your $35.00 membership is included. Want to know more come to my site at or and let me help you decide on what business builder pack is right for you.
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