How to Ally your enemies to your success
We all have them, they range from x-girlfriends, x wives, x, x, x, or whatever the case may be. But how do we ally with them to have a success-full business. Can they give us a success-full business? Absolutely. Unless they are the crazy ones. But all in all yes,
even they can give us a very reputable business. How?
They know our character, the kind of person that we are, our faults our pros our cons. They are the more
reliable source of information to others. Even if the are an ex, wouldn't they want to see you succeed in your success. Okay maybe not all ex's but I would still like to see my daughters mother succeed at being a cna. As I have been reading though from Napoleon Hill's, Think and Grow Rich and the predecessor
The 16 Laws to Success, I have learned that we need to ally ourselves with our ex's, it doesn't depend on them of our success, but i imagine if we asked that they could give us an endorsement to their friends or to other people that they might know to ally us with.
It's our Character that brings us Success
Success by definition is the attainment of your definite chief aim without violating the rights of others. Regardless of what your major aim in life may be you will attain it with
much less difficulty after you learn how to
cultivate a pleasing personality "AND" after you have learned the delicate art of
"ALLYING" yourself with others in an given undertaking without friction or envy.
It's not your products and or services that is making you a "millionaire". It's our relationships, people join you not your success-full business. It's because you have a pleasing character and attitude.
Within the laws of the universe, things just happen that our out of our control that brings us success.
Mastering your "MASTER MIND" for success
I am going to close here with this final thought from Napoleon Hill.
Your Master Mind is devopled through the harmonious co-operation of two or more people
who ally themselves for the purpose of accomplishing any given task. What would you like to achieve in your life? Ally and align with me for the knowledge that I can give you by subscribing to my blog.
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