We have all heard this popular expression, "You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours".
This is too funny I cannot pass this up. I have to share this and get this off of my funny bone.
The other day I go over to my folks' place and my back is just itching like crazy, my mothers claws weren't getting it done.
So what does my step-dad do....You guessed it, "Hey Case, use this!!!". I was like,
We all chuckled over that one. Ralph, my step-dad, said, "Oh come-on,
i'll scratch your back if you scratch mine".
My answer was still, "NO". My back still itches.
Still though, my step-dad who I do call dad, says, "well when we were kids and we had no back scratchers back then,
(not like he is older than dirt(74)) that toilet brush sure came in handy and it did work really well.
Where is your itch at?
Ahhhhh A1 yeah right there, A10 yup thats the spot, oh down a little right there yeah that's it right on F5. Oh a little lower, lower oh right there, oh to low. hahahahaha
Seriously though, how can I scratch your back today, your probably thinking,
Can I show you a business model?
Let's K.I.S.S and make up
I will keep this as plain and keeping it simple silly, what did you think I was going to say.
Most companies or rather mlm's get too complicated with things and throw a bunch of jargan at you. I won't do that.
There's you at the top =) you want to own your own business, make a little money, right. Okay.
Visi, I will only ask you to get two people. One to your left, one to your right. okay now that we got that done now what?
Let's say you do that in your first week. Visi will pay you a bonus of $75.00
But how do you get it? Sign up as a distributor with an enrollment pack, we have many to choose from, two of the packs that most people come in with is a power pack which is $299.99 or a velocity pack which is $1099.99 your $35.00 distributorship is included in this price.
What comes in these enrollment packs? With the power pack you will get 1 case of the visi wellness, 1 case of the visi energy, 1 box of the visi weight loss ptp sample packs to hand out to people, 1 discovery kit(your distributorship package) 1 shaker bottle 1 bottle 30 quantity of the visi trimma weight loss pill a day capsule. You receive $50 and on your dual team your right leg and left leg and your signups make 15% commissions on products and signups. You get paid on volume and commissions after your 3rd commissionable week. Commissions on what? Products and sign ups.

Kissing and back scratching
With a Velocity pack you will get 4 cases of the Visi wellness, 4 cases of the Visi energy, 6 bottles of the trimma weight loss pill a day capsules, 2 boxes of the visi weight loss ptp sample packs, (to hand out as samples) 1 discovery kit, 2 shaker bottles and a free 1 year subscription to myvisibuilder.com ($25 value) You receive $200 while your left and right legs earn 20% commissions on products and signups.
Oh yeah right there, don't stop.... we do have other great products that are all natural and all organic safe for kids and for your pets.
What you don't want to own your own visi nutrition business? Thats okay. Their's plenty of others who want to be in a $55 billion dollar
industry. In our first year from launch April of 2012 we grossed $15 million. Projected net worth sales by the end of 2013 $50 million
All you have to do is just get two people. Then tell those two people in your business to get just two people etc etc etc.
Your not scratching my back, I'm scratching yours.
Still shopping around, and looking to see what will work best for you and your needs. Still staying up at night watching those infomercials? Well while you are doing that at least come by and see what we are doing at
and please feel free to come and check out my facebook business page at www.facebook.com/pilladay What your watching youtube videos cool. If you want something to look at check this out.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7L1CGob6wI&feature=share&list=TLBIYNOx_pzKU Want to learn more watch this,
Have a great and happy and safe Labor day weekend everyone.
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