Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Superbowl - Superflop Super Cup of Ograno Gold Coffee

Maybe if the Forty-Niners had a Super Cup Of Organo Gold Coffee it wouldn't have been a massacre

Me, I was neutral. I was Switzerland. I really didn't care who won. But as opposed to the fights that broke which were few. Both are good teams, and played a decent game but it definitely was a massacre. It wasn't a beating or spanking but there will be rivalries in my family now. I was recently down in Gordon, Nebraska for a uncle's funeral this last Saturday, as down as we all were we all still managed to yell and holler at the tv for the Bronco's and the Ravens. Half of the family was for the Ravens and the other half of us were for the Bronco's. Made for interesting conversations. My Aunt Laverna said, "Casey I hear one more clap or a yes for the few points that the Bronco's scored, your out of this house", Granted were family that would have never happened. My uncle Gary replied, "You want to sleep out in the barn". All in all I became a silent
Cheerleader. Now that's a team I wouldn't mind being on. Wouldn't we all. But what if the Bronco's had a super cup of Organo Gold's Coffee, what then. Well I can tell you it would have helped them have clarity and focus and keep their hands on the ball. Your probably thinking, "How can coffee give you clarity and focus. Well, with Organo Gold coffee, it will help you have, clarity and focus, it works with your metabolism, and helps circulate the body and the blood. Each cup has over 200 anti-oxidants, phyto-nutrients, and helps fight the free radicals in your body without giving you the coffee crashes or coffee jitters. Also regular coffee is very acidic it will take you 17 glasses of water to get your bodies ph level, "LEVEL". Does your coffee do that? Does that Starbuck's or Folgers or Seattle's Best do any of those things? I bet those coffee's cost a whole lot more than Organo Gold's Coffee. The Other nice benefit of Organo Gold's Coffee is that they pay you to drink and sample the products to other people. Is the coffee your drinking paying you a paycheck on a weekly basis?

Have A Superbowl Of A Super Cup of Organo Gold's Coffee

Would you like to try a sample of a Superbowl cup of Organo Gold Coffee?
Why not drop me a line with your address and I will send you "FIVE" "FREE" samples. What I would like in return is to come and check out my facebook page at, and I will gladly send you those 5 free samples. You have nothing to lose, except a Superbowl cup of a healthy cup of Organo Gold Coffee. It doesn't matter which team you were rooting for. I will still send you the 5 free samples as long as I can connect back with you and ask you, "Did you like the taste"? and "How did it make you feel"? That's it, if you like it "GREAT", if not, I will never bother you again. Simple as that. I hope and pray for you all that you have a great and happy and healthy, prosperous new year.

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